Chapter 23 ◌ Dove sto a galla

Start from the beginning

 "Si, but we didn't know it would be good for you to see so that's why we had a disagreement," Vic adds. 

 "Anyway, we took it from the huge pile before our management noticed it, they won't pay attention to one letter more or less we hope..." Thomas says, and Ethan snatches a white envelope out of the pocket of his jacket and hands it to me with a concerned look on his face. 

 I immediately recognize the curly handwriting, I don't even need to read the name to know who send me this letter. I gasp and all the color flows out of my face. I look at my friends with an open mouth and they stay quiet, waiting for my reaction. 

The tension is to cut, but I don't even know how to react to this. 

 "It's hers," I slowly say. And they nod. 

 "We know, that's why we didn't know what to do with it, whether you'd want to read what she has written or you'd rather burn it or something," Vic answers.

"I honestly don't know what I want to do with this," I respond.

 "Do you want some privacy to read it?" Ethan asks. "We'll wait in the coffee room until you want us to come back, or we can just leave if that's what you want so you can be alone." 

 "No, don't leave, please don't," I quickly say. "Please stay in the hallway so I can call you if I need it." And that's when I decide I want to read what's inside. I want to read what she wrote, soak it up word by word like the ink that's soaked into the paper. 

My friends nod and leave my room. Ethan closes the door behind him and now I'm all alone with this damned card. 

 If I wasn't this curious and eager to know what's inside, I'd let them throw it in the bin, but since I was longing for her to give me a sign of life for a very long time, I want to do this. I take a deep breath and carefully rip the envelope, she has chosen a cute card with cats and I smirk although I know I shouldn't. 

I open the card and all I see is a blur at first. Her handwriting is still the same as before and the fact that she addresses me with 'Caro Damiano' stings in my heart. I'm surprised that she says she still follows what we're doing, she even wrote she's proud of us. And then there's a whole paragraph with apologies. My mouth feels dry and my head fills with bitter thoughts. Maybe it wasn't smart to open her card after all. 

Yet I continue reading. I take a sip of my water but right now I might need some stronger drink to flush my feelings away. Then I realize that alcohol is the reason I had the accident, I drank too much at the villa because I was thinking of her. Marlena is the cause of my hurt, still after all those years. She wrote that she wants to see me and that she is doing better. Good for her but I don't know what will happen when we lose contact again, that will only make things worse than where I am now. If she thinks a cute card and some nice words will convince me to contact her, then she's mistaken. I read the last sentence again and again, what does it mean when she says she is still mine when she's the one who left me? 

 Ethan opens the door and steps into the opening. "Everything okay in here?" he asks, "are you done reading or do you need some more time?" 

 "Can we come in again, Dami? The floor in here is cold and hard," Thomas says and I hear Vic smacking his leg and shushing him. I chuckle, this behavior is typical for them even in this setting. 

 "Yes, I am done with the card. I don't know how to feel about it but you can come in if you want to," I answer them. My friends enter the room and go stand at the foot end of my bed, all eyes on me. 

 "So, what did she write?" Vic asks with a disapproving tone. It's clear to me that she didn't want me to have Marlena's card. 

 "Stai calma, Vic," Thomas mumbles and he takes her fist in his hands. "Let him speak for himself." 

 "Thank you, Thomas," I nod. "Well, I don't really know what to do with this. Basically, she says she's sorry and she wants to see me again if I want to because she's doing better." 

 "I knew it," Vic sisses, "just a stupid apology letter when she doesn't even know for a little bit how hard she has hurt you! It's just not fair when she disappeared and we had to catch you before you broke down completely, and now she wants forgiveness. You aren't going to forgive her, right?" 

 Now they all look at me again, waiting for an answer. Thomas tightens his grip around Vic's hand before she makes a complete scene, I see the anger in her eyes and we all are sensing it. 

 Ethan intervenes: "It's not like we will blame you, we just want you to make the best decision to prevent you from getting hurt again. But we trust you and will support whatever you decide to do with it." 

 I throw him a thank you glance and look at Vic. 

 "Did you hear the part where I said that I don't know what to do with this... I get that you're mad, but I need you to understand one thing: I have missed Marlena all the time, she has always been on my mind unconsciously, and not ever seeing her again made me go crazy. Why do you think I was drinking? My thoughts have made me seek dangerous situations but those were never enough. I fear that seeing her and talking this out is the only way for me to get better." 

 I breathe in a couple of times. Deep breaths. That was too much for me to say with my cheeks and mouth still hurting like hell but I had to say this, I had to be honest for once. If we want to fix this as a friend group, as a band, we all will need to speak our truths. 

 "And this is between me and Marlena," I continue, "we both made mistakes, you only know my side but no one of us knows what it has been for her. I need this as a way of closure so please allow me to go see her. I'll only do it if you all support my decision because you're my friends, you're everything I have left so I don't want to fight with you about something that's in the past." 

 Now we all look at Vic and she swallows.        

𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐚 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐚 - MåneskinWhere stories live. Discover now