1. most wanted

30 6 2

cute like Ariana,
she got class like Rihanna,
her steps graceful she's a ballerina,
when she spins, the whole room pause like we're in a commercial break now.

and she be puppeteer—
men are getting drunk on her more than cold beer,
she's on a conquest of breaking hearts,
playing target practice with the broken heart pieces she's turned into darts.

baby, i'm not made of plastic,
give it your best shot, i'm the main superhero not some lame side-kick,
you think you're some badass villain,
clad in black synthetic, don't need a wand you're bewitching men with just a finger flick,
your spells won't work on me i'm the Sorcerer Supreme,
you gat the multiverse of men in chaos, but i'd show you who is supreme.

most wanted, you're at the top of the bounty list,
every detective failed, you've fogged up their minds like mist,
there is a state of emergency, when you enter the city,
alpha males lining up before you to propose a peace treaty.

but i'm different i'm a fucking mutant,
send all your nukes and your army commandants,
this is a war i won't be shooting blanks,
i alone is built like fifty goddamn war tanks.

this is plain disaster that you're courting,
i won't hold back, i'm a menace call me the Green Goblin,
at the end you'd only have yourself to blame,
cause you're a quest i'd conquer to ascend to fame.

but she cute like Ariana.

musings of a jaded poetΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα