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this isn't a normal, conventional poetry anthology. and i don't mean that in some braggadocious, cocky way that some writers would appraise their art, instead of letting said work of art's quality speak for itself simply and let readers be the judge of that. no, i mean that in the literal sense of it not being a normal poetry anthology. yes, this is a compilation of poems in a sequential, plot progressive manner with a unifying theme telling a compelling story, but musings of a jaded poet is more of a music LP/album than a poetry anthology, when taking into consideration it's format.

shorter poems and numerous titles form the spine of most anthologies. here, it's the reverse—with longer poems and a shorter table of contents with a story arc progression that mirrors that of a music album. matter of fact, all poems on this album were written in sync and sonic harmony with specific songs, such that they can seamlessly replace said song's lyrics to attain absolute immersion and feels. the playlist is of course shared before the anthology takes off, and it's highly advisable you sing along to get the authentic, exhilarating experience of this 19-track album.

the inspiration to undertake this project—which is my third poetry anthology—bloomed whilst i was working on the story draft of my eleventh novel, dropping later this year. the novel is set in the rich, pop culture world of music & drama and also features a singer protagonist with a point to prove to the world musically, and it occurred to me that i could tell a whole other story independently through a proper music album, not inadvertently affiliated with the novel. so here we are.

like the title implies, musings of a jaded poet, comes from a jaded, hurt heart but it'd be folly to think this project is all doom and gloom. before the dark, there was light and it's a journey—a tale that needs to be told. how and why did this poet become jaded?

read on.

yours truly,
T.J. Martins.


Status: Pending.

out on the 11th of february, 2022.

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