Chapter 5

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-Amelia Heartfilia POV-

The way back was nice, Loke was kind of funny.
He did look different, especially when I was humming this stupid lullaby song my mom sang to me when I was little.

I was happy to see my sister again.
And after a few days, we went to look for a new job.
And then, Loke returned to his flirty behaviour... even ignoring me...

A girl at each arm and I sighed.
'Should've known, guys like him don't change easily. Why do I even bother?'

"Bad news!" Loke shouted while coming back in. "It's Erza! She's on her way here!"
Everyone freaked out...
"Wow, just mentioning her and the whole place freaks out" said Lucy.
"Well, she is the strongest female wizard we've got in Fairy Tail" said Mirajane. "More than a bit intimidating"

A redhaired woman walked in, holding a huge cut off horn...
Lucy hid behind me, scared of Erza.
"I have returned" said Erza. "Where is Master Makarov?"

"Welcome back, Erza" said Mirajane. "The master is at a conference right now"
"I see" said Erza.
"So, eh..." said Max. "What's that humongous thing you got there?"

"It's the horn of the monster I defeated" said Erza. "The locals were so grateful they decorated it and gave it to me as a souvenir. Do you have a problem with it?"
"No! Not at all!" they freaked.
"She's not anything like I'd imagined" said Lucy.

"What did you imagine?" I asked.
"Now listen up!" said Erza and everyone got really quiet. "While I was on the road I heard a few things. Word is, Fairy Tail is causing nothing but trouble as of late. Master Makarov may not care, but I most certainly do. Cana!"

Cana stopped drinking for a second...
"You need to start controlling your drinking" said Erza. "Vegiter, please take the dancing outside. Wakaba, get rid of that filthy habit. Nab! I suspected that I would find you doodling in front of the request board, just pick a job! Macao!"

She just sighed, which was probably even worse than saying something...
"I don't even know where to begin with you" she said. "You've caused so much trouble I'd almost given up"
"She's really tearing into everyone" I whispered.

"It's like she's taking over" whispered Lucy.
"That's Erza for you" said Happy.
"Even if she is kind of bossy, she's still saner than anyone else here" said Lucy.

"I'm not so sure about that yet" I sighed.
"Are Natsu and Gray here?" asked Erza.
"Aye!" said Happy.

Suddenly, Gray and Natsu were all buddy-buddy, making me frown.
"Oh, hey Erza!" said Gray. "We're just hanging out like good friends tend to do!"
"Aye!" said Natsu.

"Why is Natsu talking like Happy?" said Lucy.
"Why can I see sweat rolling down their pants?" I said.
"That's great" said Erza. "I'm quite pleased to see the two of you getting along so well. However, it's only natural for even the best of friends to lock horns now and again"

"I don't know if we're the best of friends" said Gray.
"Aye" said Natsu.
"What has gotten into Natsu?" said Lucy.

"He's scared" said Mirajane. "A few years ago, he challenged Erza to a fight. And she beat him up pretty bad"
"That was a stupid thing to do" said Lucy.
"After that, she found Gray walking around naked so she decided to beat him up too" said Macao.

"Still think she's the sanest person here?" I said.
"And let's not forget she also beat Loke for trying to hit on her" said Cana.
"He probably deserved it" I sighed.

"Natsu, Gray" said Erza seriously. "I need you to do me a favour. While travelling I overheard something that has me worried. Normally I would consult with the master before acting but he's not here, and this is a matter of utmost urgency. The two of you are the strongest wizards here, I could really use your help. We'll meet at the train station tomorrow morning"

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