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  I decided I'd walk away from the celebration, I knew it was full moons wake, but I just couldnt bring myself to drink rum with my fuckin' mother and spikey hair.

The grass under my feet was utter pleasantry and the song of the crickets sang through the bright, moon litted forest.

A branch cracked, and I moved swiftly to the nearest tree I could find, my beads shuffling on my bare chest as it lifts impatiently with fear. 'Is it someone from the village? No.. I'm the only one who comes put to this part,' I thought silently.

A voice that sounds like a womans groan in pain. 'What the..?'

I glance in the clearing, and sitting in the middle of the grass is a- wait, what is that?

A human girl it seems to be, but white feathers lay on her back. Giant wings violently try to bring herself up, but.. blood appears to be corrupting her efforts.

She pants slightly.

Her skin lights up like soft Crystal's in the light, but she looks up to see me staring. Gasping, she crawls back pitifully.

"Uh.." I manage to speak. "What's up with you" She doesnt speak. Instead, I slowly step towards  her. She cowers. "Stop fuckin' moving real quick," I grunt and she freezes, letting me sit down next to her.

I tear off the clothe of my arm wraps, and gently fit it on her.. wing. I glance at her, and she hesitantly gives me the go - ahead.
I nod.

as soon as I was done, she kicked back to distance herself from me. "Hey- what the hell was that for!?" I growl. Oh wait. Shit. She cowers again. "Uh, look. I didnt mean to yell. Uhm. Does it feel a bit better?" She nods.

I sigh. "Where ya from?" Silence. "..what's your name..?" More silence. I grunt in impatience, and turn away. "(Y/n)." She whispers, her voice hoarse. Realizing, I yell to her a quick "stay here." And rush off.

She clearly was confused.

Anyways, I come back, a bowl full of spring water from the creek nearby, it was fresh water from the snow in February, so it was somewhat good.

Quickly, she snatched the bowl from me, pouring the water down her throat without any hesitance.

A silence.

"It looks like your wound stopped bleeding."

She simply just looked at me.

"..so what village or, uh ..tribe  do you, you know," I glanced at her wings. "..come from?"

"Dont have a vill..age" she said, mimicking the foreign word. Then what the hell was she?  How'd she get here, and why'd she come here?

And.. who, or what had hurt her?

"KATSUKII!!," a voice screamed, and I groaned. "THE DANCE IS STARTING, PICK YOUR DAMNED PARNTERRR!!"

And as I looked back toward her, she had disappeared. My mouth gaped, and I snapped out of it and looked for her. A single blood trail was all I found. It lead no where though.

In the end, I went back to the festivities, but my mind was still on her.

I must have looked dazed, because spikey hair had interrupted my train of thought. "Hey dude, what's up with you??" He pampered me worryingly. "Yeah you've been up in the clouds this whole time. You havent even taken a sip of your drink!" Kaminari teased.

Mina just looked at me for a second, then smirked. "A lady in mind perhaps~?" I spit out my drink that I was beginning to sip. The group did the stupid "oooh~" thing.

"Hell no! My minds just somewhere else right now so shut your traps." I grumbled. But kaminari giggled. "Come on, you can tell us!" I groaned, knowing they wouldnt stop until they got it out of me. "I met someone in the forest." I averted my eyes to the drink I held. Mina gasped, wanting to hear more.

"Look i- back the fuck up!" They only zoomed in closer to hear. "She had.. uhm, wings."

They froze. 'Shit, I knew it. They would never belive that-'
"You had a run in with the forest spirit!?" Mina yelled, and the entire crowd of people Turned to look over at us.

I quickly hushed her, and she was still all wide eyed. "Just- UGH, come to my tent after dawn and I'll tell you about it.

I grumbled and got up begrudgingly, knowing I was in for it.

'The forest spirit? No way. That was a fairy tale.'

As I stepped in my tent, I froze.

'Oh shit'

𖧷Bakugou × Reader ❦︎Oneshots❦︎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt