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The girl walks on her own

The opposite walks in front

The girl does not know of the opposite

The opposite haunts the girl

The opposite feeds off the girl

Her emotions sprawled out, like a messy bed

What to do? Oh what to do

Her hair flows along with the leaves

This empty classroom knows well

Her delicate fingers tap on the desk

This girl is alone.

This girl is afraid.

This girl does not know of the opposite

This girl is not herself anymore

She seeks friendship in this cruel world

She seeks love

But she does not find it


She finds sadness and betrayal

And in that betrayal,

She finds hatred and anger.

What to do? Oh what to do

This girl plops her angelic body on the bed

She sits and thinks

She blasts music in her ears

Hoping to cover the worlds noise

"Everything is hopeless,"

The girl says.

"Why must no one want me?"
"Why must I be constantly discarded?"

The opposite speaks to her

The opposite says things to her

The opposite makes her doubt

The opposite is her

But the opposite is a figure of her

The opposite is not seen with the naked eye

The opposite is seen within

The girl sees the opposite

The girl wants to destroy the opposite

But she does not know whom she is

So she cannot destroy part of herself.

Hence the opposite.

She struggles

The girl does not know who she is

The opposite is not her personality.

The opposite is a creation in which came out of expectations all her life.

'How sad,'

The opposite smiles

'Why can you not destroy me?'

The girl looks down in shame.

She certainly knows the answer to the opposites question.

But will not answer

'Stubborn is it?'

The girls grows angry

'That will not solve anything, child.'

She does not listen to the voice in her head.

"The opposite is annoying,"

She thinks

Everything is blurred

And muffled

She does not like reality,

But she knows she will have to face it soon.

Love is something she has never learned.

Romance is something she disgards.

This sad girl walks alone

Her friends beside her, yet they do not acknowledge.

She looks down.

Her friends do not care.

They scoff at her and leave.

She sighs

This girl is not happy

And she wants to not exist

She does not like this world

It has given her nothing but pain and sorrow.

A few words

A few short sentences

Could change the direction of the sorrow she was sinking in.


She received none.

I- yeah so this makes sense to me but you might not get it...

Anyways, no one cares so your dumbass author will stop with the self reflecting :D

This was basically something of my life in the dark. Don't worry though, it's over. Its still really sad though, if I think
about it.

My past is really depressing so I won't anymore-

K so i will probably not be uploading this weekend since I'm going somewhere


(I think its 95 idek)

Anyways is coming out tomarrow. (Saturday)

And on sunday, I'm reading my manga SOooOOo

*F boy face*

The shit gon be bussin



Also, tomarrows (Saturday) mothers day. So, be a darling and thank your mothers!

If yall dont have one or they are ab*sive, I'm very sorry. You can make it through this and I'm always here for you.

(Was that offensive? If it did seem like it, I apologize. I didnt mean it to be.)

Love yall, stay safe cause the worlds gone batshit crazy

𖧷Bakugou × Reader ❦︎Oneshots❦︎Where stories live. Discover now