If I am to have you. What then? Part 3

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Pairing: Optimus x Reader x Elita

Reader type: Gender Neutral bot

Song: Moment's silence (Common tongue) - Hozier

Warnings: Smut lol.

An: Heya! I'm glad that you like my stuff this much lol. It's honestly pretty friggin cool! I'm hope you like this one as well! And that this was what you meant lol.

Elita had something on her processer. This much you know. From the mischievous tug on her end of the bond to the glimmer in her optics.

You say nothing. Not a word. Instead choosing to focus on the data pad in your servos. Such little free time the three of you had and rarely was it together.

You were leaning back on the cushioned chair in your shared berth room. One arm slung over the back of it. Legs spread apart as you grew more and more comfortable.

Elita thought you look quite sweet like this. Relaxed enough to let your guard down around her. It took so long for you to be able to do this and she relished every bit of this.

To the languid curves of your thighs. The rounded edges of your chest. The thickness in your torso and arms. Promise of power and safety.

She most liked the way the tip of your glossa peeked out from between your lips anytime you lost yourself in the data pads you read. A smile grew on hers when you glanced up and quirked a brow ridge skywards.

"Can I help you, Elita? Or do you always stare at others for fun?" She laughed.

"Only if they look as sweet as you." She laughed brightly at the flush across your faceplates. So easy to fluster you were.

"I. Thank you?" You glanced down at the data pad then back up to Elita. Who, in fact, is still staring.

A sudden tug has you knowing exactly what she was after in this moment. If it weren't already for the way she was walking towards you.

Her servo curves over your chest as she straddles your lap. A soft kiss pressed into your lips.

Your hands place themselves on her hips. Curving up towards her waist. Your lips find her jaw. A soft sigh leaving her as she traces a seam on your armor.

Her hips move over yours. Your thighs jittering with the movement, Spreading further apart as your sensor nets light up.

Elita's servo trails further down. Digits fluttering over the bio lights on your stomach plating. Your face flushes once again and you pull her close to you. Pressing your lips against hers. Denta clashing.

Sweet. So sweet she tastes.

Your fields begin to arc. Dancing between your platings.

Her servo stops in its decent. Pressed against your heated interface array. Elita pulls back slightly. Lips still touching your own.

"May I." She asks. Your vents stutter. Trying to pull in air to cool down your heating frame.

"Please." It comes out strained. "Please." Soft. Whispered. Desperate.

Elita smiles and kisses you once more. Glossa pulling yours out.

Your interface array pulls back. Spike pressurizing embarrassingly quick.

Ever so slowly Elita descends downwards. Lips trailing over your jaw. Along your neck and nipping sensitive cabling. Over your chest and above your rapidly thrumming spark. Along your stomach plating. Her servos on either side of your torso.

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