Between two souls.

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Pairing: Sunstreaker x Reader

Reader type: Fem!Human

Song: Angels- Tom Walker

Warnings: Swearing

An: Is this any good? Idk. Let me know if y'all want more Sunstreaker in the future.

It was strange. This fascination he has with you. Not once as he looked at any other human this way.

With a beating spark and muddled thoughts.

Sideswipe makes fun of him for it. For falling for a human despite his nature of despising them.

All oily hands and to loud voices. The destruction that humans leave in there wake is what he loathes most of all.

Devastating the land that they live out purely out of greed. To many times he's heard of humans leaving others in times if need. Of other humans hurting others to get what they want.

Sunstreaker tried to apply that same logic to you.

And he couldn't.

You looked the very definition of a human he's supposed to hate. Frag. Even Carly and Spike were afraid of you.

All scowling looks and snarking voice. Dark clothes ment to intimidate. Darkened eyes and bright red lips. Of the smoke that curls from your lips like a dragon guarding it's hoard.


There was a softness to you.

Your hands that so easily could maim would become gentle as you help what hurt. That growling voice you used to keep others away drew in safety for the scared.

That sharp tongue that could draw others down like a axe felling a tree. Could also bring someone up from their own demise.

The others were just as surprised as he that day. When you so readily helped someone who had hurt you. Who left those bruises upon your skin. Left you bleeding and growling at anyone who dared come near.

Yet there you were. Pulling them from the wreck. Defending them from the Decepticons. And soothing them until the ambulance had arrived.

Optimus tried to give your praise. Sunstreaker had laughed when you snorted at Prime and vehemently denied any and all that he had tried to offer you.

"Don't get me wrong Prime." You had began. "I'm still a raging asshole. I'm just not a dickish one. I have standards."

And then he had found you. Atop a cliff with a pencil in hand. Sketching all that you could see. You never knew he was there and he intended to keep it that way.

Until one day.

"I know yer there." Your voice had called out to him. You were leaning against a gnarled oak tree. Cigarette loose in your lips. The end died red. Smoke spilled and you looked up at him with dark eyes. You motioned him to you with the hand that held a well worn leather sketchbook. "Ya might as well come sit." You looked at your hand then back to him. "Sideswipes told me that your an artist. Maybe you could give me a few tips?"

You both knew that was the closest you could ask him if he would stay with you. Learn about one another and become friends without actually saying it.

He knew. He does the same thing. To afraid and to proud to admit that you might actually need someone else.

Sunstreaker sat with you then.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Drawing. Learning.


Sunstreaker surprised even himself the day you came back to your little spot with bloody knuckles and bruised lips. A grin split your face even as you limped up the hill.

He hasn't known anger like that since the time Sideswipe was blindsided by a deception seeker.

It was then the two of your learned of each other's feelings. Screaming it into the open air. Emotions high and roaring.

"Why the fuck do you even care Butterscotch?!" Sunstreaker had roared his engine. Steady hands shaking as he let out a frustrated shout.

"Because I love you! You! A stupid slagging human that has absolutely no concept of self preservation! A human that I should fragging hate." He vented in. Out. Body softened. "I fell in love with a human that reminds me a little to much if myself."

You fell silent. Emotions roaring that haven't been uttered since your last ex. Broken and that relationship was. You thought every last bit of love you had to offer was taken and shattered. Left behind on a bridge and in running water.

You thought you no longer deserved that love.

Yet here you were. The world's scariest Autobot on bended knee admitting what you were to scared to even think about.

You laugh.

"And here I thought you were to chicken to day it first. Looks like I owe Red Hot some cash." Sunstreaker laughed. Actually laughed.

"Primus. Out of all of the people on this planet. It had to be you." Despite his words his actions said otherwise. Hands soft around you as he pressed his lips to yours. Fingers brushing back your hair.

"And all I know is that I love you."

Transformers One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora