"It's not like he could kill me."

With a benign smile on his lips, the human countered.

"And that makes the situation okay? Your children were watching, Cale. How traumatic do you think that would be for them?"

Averting his gaze, he brushed the black bangs out of his son's dark blue eyes.

"What about your secret? Everyone would have known you weren't human, let alone a mortal."

"I promise to tell someone next time."


He felt his unofficial father pat his head which caused a tingling sensation to spread throughout his body. In fact, it caused the corners of his lips to twitch.

"Can I go loot the tower and find a rat now."

There was a serious expression on the older dragon's face.

"Are you seriously planning to go alone?"

<How am I alone? The kids will be going with me?>

Sighing, the blond got up and announced.

"I'm going too. Ron will watch Kasul and the tent."

Opening his mouth to protest, the youth was stopped by a squeeze on his shoulder. It was obvious that there was no way he could convince them otherwise.


Suddenly, the oldest of the four children transformed into her beast form. Following his noona's lead, the red haired boy did the same. Both then hurried over to their father and nuzzled into him. Chuckling, he petted their furry heads with an affectionate look in his eyes.

"We'll use magic to hide ourselves and sneak into the tower through the top floor window."

The assassin scooped up his youngest grandchild while reminding the group.

"Make sure you're careful. No matter what, don't use anymore of your powers."

<I'll try not to.>

Without even responding, the five turned invisible and slipped out of the tent. They then rushed towards the tower. Outside were a couple of human guards who didn't even notice them when they flew up to the twentieth floor. As soon as they got inside, the kittens jumped down and turned to their guardian out of curiosity.

"Rat! Nya~"

"Where? Nya?"

Each of their tails were shaking in anticipation.

"Check the underground levels. I sensed his fear coming from there earlier. Okay?"

Running towards the door, the duo exclaimed excitement.

"Yes~ Nya~"

"We'll find him! Nya!"

He smiled while watching the two who seemed quite enthusiastic to make themselves useful.

<It's good to see them happy like this. I'll need to give them lots of cake and steak later.>

"So where do we go first?"

"Looting! We're going looting, Goldie Gramps!"

The black haired child flew around the two adults with sparkling eyes. Restraining the four years old, the redhead motioned to the window.

"Take a look out there for a moment and tell me what you sense."

Curiously, the two dragons peeked outside. After a few minutes, a set of golds transformed into crescent moons. There was amusement and intrigue in them.

Two Stars Collide - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now