🌾🇪🇺 :: The Docks

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(written on February 4, 2022)

it's my birthday!1!1!!1!1 yayyyyyy!1!!!!!1!

on a serious note though, this is literally the only way to get over writers block for 2 months straight. like seriously, fck writers block man

pardon my language but i really need to get over it somehow so have this flipping wholesome? valentines-but-not-valentines day special? (wowww this early i didn't even touch grass smh)

also thanks in advance for the birthday wishes, it's actually feb 4 when im writing this but ill publish it tomorrow which is today but you might read this few months later and it will be..??

just enjoy the freaking thing im tired and i still need to do modules

(same gender & pronouns as the flight practice short, but changed personality and eu doesn't have wings now. ill explain why in a future chapter thing idk + will leave hints on what is aseans new backstory)


Ah yes, the docks.

The European felt weird coming in this location this early into the year. He was so used to such temperate climate that he had forgotten it was this warm in other areas, like Africa for example! Coming and looking at the sea was literally one of the few options to keep yourself warm without harming the environment, and he really time alone.

He found himself at a tropical environment because of a really weird-and-kinda-off request by the United Nations to make one of their organizational meetings take place in Indochina nearing Chinese New Year-in fact a few days after it. Suspicious, he might add, there's some battle happening around here and the UN decided to make it take place nearby that battlefield. Like they're not going to go out the region panicked or anything? He's not going to question UN's actions that much anymore.

In the bright side, he sort of recognizes the place already. He has been here a couple of times before, way before some drama happened and some was occurring. There might be holes in his bundle of memories he has been here as the EEC, but at least he knew some of it.

Well, that was just because of a partnership that changed his and that person's life for the better.

"Hi Euro!"

A voice called the organization from behind, with their glasses shining from the bright sun that bounced to the ground, a low-ponytailed hair which flowed in unison at their back, a flag so familiar to him that he would recognize them from a kilometer away. That was ASEAN, the organization he has stuck with ever since his humble beginnings, minus the UN, and probably vice versa from the other.

As soon as he saw the sight of his friend, immediately he turned away to the water once again and told him with his slight cold-hearted voice.

"I came here to be alone."

Quite immediately, the other started questioning, "What did I do to you?"

A pause occurred between both, which was then cut off by the Asian deciding to sit beside the European and a loud thump occurred-he unintentionally let put his wings which made him almost slip to the water which immediately he recovered from. EU chuckled at the sight before responding.

"Nothing, I just needed some time alone."

A look of distraught appeared on the Asian's face and immediately said, "Oh sorry- should I leave..?"

There wasn't really a clear response to that question, as the EU only shrugged for an answer. Confused and impatient to get a further explanation by that answer, ASEAN decided to stay just in case. He still had more free time on his hands before everything else blows up at the western part of the region.

The both of them remained silent for again a few seconds, silent except the sounds of the ocean waves and occasional seagulls passing by & making noise, and the trees emitting a sound when the wind started blowing each interval. It was a little intense for the European for no reason, probably the thought of the other being here makes him feel off for some reason. Well he did came here to be alone after all, but it was okay for the other to drop by anytime.

The tension cracked when the winged one started speaking; "Do you have any plans tomorrow after the meeting?" ASEAN asked. "Thailand is hosting a barbecue party nearing lunch so I'd thought you've come.

It took a few seconds for the other to answer, "No, I don't actually... why- is that why you came here?"

The other shook his head in response. "I just go here every now and then, it's just fancy seeing you here or something."

It wasn't a shock to the EU that his friend has been here before, or in fact has been here multiple times. For goodness sake, he was assigned to this area, so the other may recognize the area really well. Such a shame that he really hasn't have the time to hang out with him outside of work more often considering the waves of busy and non-busy days.

"I mean it does look pretty, right?" Euro added. "It's not even sunset yet-I just haven't had the chance to look over the sea like this that often. I swear- I hate our geography."

"I really liked the concept of the quote-on-quote 'four seasons' back when I didn't have wings, now I came to my underst- I mean realization that it's better to keep things that I'm familiar with," he said. "I went to one of my regional forum's place the other day and I still have the shivers until now due to how cold it was."

"Oh yeah, it is pretty much hotter in here for sure," the EU said. "When I first landed to meet you for the first time it took me ages to get used to the weather."

ASEAN chuckled. "That's what you get for having someone like me to be your first partner."

The European laughed in response, then gave away a sigh. In a short period of silence again, he began to realize something.



"The UN did tell us to come by the cabin after lunch, right..?"

Oh god, he was right. It was past lunch time, the United Nations must be looking for them around now. Panic rose towards the both of them individually ending up in different states, Euro's wasn't clearly seen but Sea(n) on the other hand instantly almost jumped out to the water again.

"Ya- Yeah! He did! Oh god uhm-," the Asian stuttered, immediately standing up and running away, with his wings flapped open. The other noticed that action and began to ask.

"Hey! Where do you think?-"

"Race you there!"

"Don't fly you dumbass!"

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