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Louis Tomlinson

"You're not together anymore" Simon growled, for probably the tenth time

"You can't do that!" I shout

"I can and I am! YOU ARE NOT DATING HIM! Not if you want to be in this band, Tomlinson!" he screams louder

"I- You can't, Please, I-" The tears start rolling now.

"Oh please! Don't start crying now! He's just a boy! You're young. You think you're in love. Newsflash: You aren't. Be glad it's ending now, it'll hurt worse in the future"

"Simon. Simon, you can't.." I sob

"We're getting you a girlfriend. If you want this job, if you want to keep this life, you'll say it right now. You two are not together" He tells me


"Say it, Tomlinson"

My heart breaks. My voice cracks. I can't stop the tears. I can't stop myself from sobbing.

"We're.. we're not.." My voice breaks off again

"we're not tog-together" I finally manage

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now