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Louis Tomlinson

"I cannot fucking believe he flew here" I mumble

Before Harry can answer, the door opens and in steps Simon Cowell.

Holy shit he looks mad already

"Why am I having to fly here to talk about a situation I've already taken care of?" he asks as he sits down

Eleanor locks eyes with me. I look at her then at Harry.

Okay... I guess I'm talking

"Because I'm gay... I don't date women. I'm dating Harry..." I take a deep breath and continue with "...and you can't do anything about that"

Right to the point. That's good. Right?

The look on Simon's face goes from annoyed to furious

"You've got to be kidding me, Louis" He sighs

"No, Simon. I'm in a relationship with Harry and it is against the law and our contract for you to literally break us up. You can't do that." I say, trying to keep the confidence in my voice

"God, I've already told you, you aren't in love" Simon says sternly

"That isn't for you to decide!" I say, starting to get mad again

"It's not my words." he suddenly tells me. "Those are Harry's words. He's the one who says you two aren't in love. Not me."

All confidence in my body sinks away. I spin around and look at Harry.

"I-.. I said that after we broke up. I lied to him because I thought you were happy with her and I didn't want to ruin that" Harry says. His eyes stay locked on mine the entire time and I know he's telling the truth.

"Simon, you cannot twist his words like that to hurt me, either. It's bullshit and you know it" I growl as I turn back to face our boss.

"Do you seriously want to be fired?" He raises his voice. I feel Paul step closer to Harry, Eleanor, and I as if he's getting ready to protect us.

"I can drop you both right now"

"But you won't" Eleanor steps in. "You won't because they're two members of the biggest boy band in the world. A-also, you'd have to have good reason. What're you gonna say? That they're gay and you don't like it? And you have to have several manager agreements. No one is gonna fire them for their sexuality"

"I will fire them for whatever reason I want" He growls

"You can't, though! You literally can't. It's against the fucking law to fire someone from job because of their sexual preference" Eleanor laughs

"You act like you're in charge, like you control everything, but you're just ignorant" She laughs again

I hear Paul snicker behind me.

"I can fire you though" Simon says, pointing at Eleanor

"I broke up with Louis, so, I technically already quit" She says with a fake smile

Simon stands quickly. Paul places a hand on my shoulder and stays a bit in front of us three and between us and Simon.

"I will put an end to this" he shouts

"Okay. Try." Harry shrugs. "We'll move back into our flat in London and we'll go solo.. or we'll take the other boys with us. They'd gladly form a new band with us." 

"yeah. Maybe.. we'll call it 'The Other Direction" I giggle

"Or you could call it 'Fuck Salmon Cowbell'." Eleanor suggests, making Harry and I both have to bite back laughter at the nickname

How do I tell him? ~ L.SWhere stories live. Discover now