"Based on my initial estimates, we're looking for a large humanoid creature, at least 7 feet tall with thick and powerful claws," the Iron Spider followed up and Spidey asked how he determined that from just claw marks. The Iron Spider didn't base his analysis on the claws but on the large handprint bent into the metal nearby, seeing as it also had the same kind of claw marks he determined it came from the same creature. Amadeus explained that he could get an approximate size and shape going off of the average hand-to-height ratio, it wouldn't be exact but it was a good place to start, as someone that big would be kind of hard to miss. They found more claw marks and similar handprints all over the place near the theatre, some inside as well and Loki was absolutely freaking out, blaming himself for not being there. "Uh, guys... we got blood", Flash hesitated, quickly following the trail until it led him to something horrifying and Agent Venom was full-on gagging as he called it in, walking away to throw up in a nearby trash can.

Loki was the first one there but even he had to turn away for a moment, covering his nose as the smell was terrible, but despite that he couldn't really look away, as you might have had a run-in with whatever did this. The God of Mischief stood frozen, thinking about all the terrible things a monster like this could have done or currently be doing to you, he couldn't handle it, he was nearly at his breaking point. Spider-Woman was the next to arrive, horrified by what she saw as well, but fighting the urge to freak out or hurl she approached the God of Mischief, placing a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. She knew how much you meant to him, even if Loki did his best to hide it sometimes, MJ took a moment to remind him of how tough you were and your healing factor, "she'll be okay, she's strong, we'll find her". The God of Mischief took a deep breath, trying to calm down, thanking Ms.Watson for what she said, it was a cold comfort but he appreciated the attempt. MJ then stepped away to call in Shield to let them know what was happening, as this was now all hands on deck, as their missing person's case just became a homicide investigation.

There were several dozen agents securing the area, with Agent Coulson supervising the whole thing, as this was not your typical murder/missing person's case. This person they found was torn to pieces, ripped limb from limb, guts and blood covered the alley where he was found, but his head lay intact, severed from the rest of his body. Loki recognized the victim right away, as the man who kept asking for your picture, even though you said no over and over again, but this didn't seem like a coincidence. Considering how violent the murder was and, adding you into the equation, it wasn't much of a leap for him to come up with a suspect, but he needed to find some kind of evidence because at the moment it was all just a theory. The God of Mischief kept it to himself, for now, only mentioning to the others that this guy attended the musical last night and stuck around for a while, perhaps a little too long.  

White Tiger then called in that she found all your stuff still in your locker, your phone, your wallet, keys, and bag were all accounted for, so you didn't even make it back to get all your stuff before you disappeared. Loki teleported to Ms.Ayala's location, knowing exactly where she was because he'd been to your locker before, sneaking in to see you but as MJ, but you figured it out surprisingly quick. "I was with her last night, another student said they were locking up the school soon so it had to take place within that time frame," Loki said, coming to the conclusion that this was planned in advance. "I think you're right, there's no way this was just a spur of the moment thing, they had to know where she was or at least where she was going in order to get in, grab her, and get out before the security systems were turned on", White Tiger stated, pondering more on what they had discovered. Although they kept finding lots of clues, with each one, there only came more questions, questions that they couldn't find answers to as they were still missing a huge chunk of the puzzle.

A second body was eventually found, her remains were thrown into a dumpster, she wasn't dead, she was alive but barely, unconscious for who knows how long with bruises all over her body and at least a dozen broken bones. Loki recognized her too, she was that annoying girl from last night, the one who was rude to you, as well as the one who interrupted your alone time with him, recalling that her name was Kim. With another student somehow tangled up in this, everyone involved with the school musical as well as every guest that attended was called in and questioned. Loki and a few of the other heroes watched all the students and teachers get interviewed, not really finding out anything new until a girl named Amy was questioned.   

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