21: This or That

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Alison was leaving for California today. She hadn't told anyone that she had let Kate go with her, but Hayden found out when he stopped by and saw the printed tickets on the counter.

"I just don't get why you would invite her," Hayden grumbled as he helped Alison pack.

"She kind of invited herself," Alison mumbled as she threw a hoodie for Hayden to fold for her.

"But you went along with it," Hayden pointed out.

Alison sighed. She wanted to change the subject. "How is your ASL coming along? Brady said I should be fluent by the time I get back. I don't know how he can expect that."

Hayden rolled his eyes. "Don't change the subject."

Alison let out an exasperated sigh.

"What is it with Kate?" he asked.

"You wouldn't get it," she mumbled.

"Try me," Hayden challenged.

She stared at him for a moment and then took a deep breath.

"Promise you won't say anything to anyone?" she asked.

He nodded. "I promise."

Alison sighed. "I was this baby freshman in a math class for juniors when I met Kate, she took me under her wing and helped me out. Not with the class, I normally helped her with that, but socially. She taught me how to dress, how to wear makeup, how to talk to guys, everything. She even helped me get over this crush I-" Alison paused.

Her cheeks flushed red. It had been Hayden that Alison was crushing on freshman year.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"N-Nothing," she stuttered. "Anyway she was just always there for me, even for things as dumb as guys. Why wouldn't I do the same?"

Hayden glanced over at her. "Why are you so red?" he asked.

"I'm not," she protested.

Hayden chuckled. "Jeez, who was this crush?"

Alison looked horrified which was a rare look on her.

"Oh man, is it someone I know?"

Alison turned an even deeper shade of red.

Hayden grinned. "Does that mean I am getting closer?"

He stood up and came over to where Alison was leaning against the counter.

"Just tell me. I graduated like over a year ago. It won't even matter. I bet I don't even keep up with the person anymore."

Alison refused. "Come on, I have to stop by your place before I go to the airport. Brady wants to practice his ASL with us."

Hayden chuckled. "Maybe I should grab your yearbook before we go. Maybe if I say the guy's name your face will get redder."

Alison shoved him out the door as he continued to laugh. He pestered her about it the whole drive there and while they were with Brady, who was growing annoyed with his brother.

Tell him to shut up already, Brady signed in ASL.

Alison chuckled.

"What did he sign to you?" Hayden asked.

Brady got irritated with his brother and stormed into the kitchen.

"He asked you to shut up," Alison explained.

Brady came back and rolled his eyes and signed something else to Alison.

"He also said that maybe if you spent as much time on ASL as you did bothering me, then you would have known what he signed in the first place."

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