"Then why can't we open it?" Lami asked

I cleared my throat " The only time you'll be allowed to open this package is when I'm no more"

Janet chuckled " Are you dying? Or what?" She asked jokingly

"I'm serious"

"Wait you're dying?" Amarachi and Lami asked in Unison

"Noo! I'm not dying, I'm just being serious about the package. Don't open it until I am no more"

"What do you mean by the no more na!?" Craig asked

I smiled " Our exams are starting soon, then we'll be out of this school. We might not get to see ourselves every Monday or Tuesday or whichever day as we do now. So this gift serves as a remembrance about me, the moment you don't hear of me, you don't see me and maybe you can't reach me. The time has come for you to open the gift" I told them

"Wow. I hope that whatever is inside this packaged box would make us see you again" Jason smiled at me

"It should" I smiled back

"Awn! I'm tearing up already!" Lami wiped a tear off her face

"Group hug!" Janet yelled smiling, we all stood up

"Wait oh!" Jimmy said licking his oily fingers and making sounds, "Oya let's hug!" He stood up

"So gross!" "Yama Yama!" "Ewwww!"  and a few gross sounds could be heard from each and everyone one of us, we sat down immediately

"Abeg! Sit down, look at who want to hug" Amarachi said

"Every time you'll just be bullying somebody" Jimmy muttered sitting down slowly

We all heard him, Craig covered his mouth so as to prevent him from laughing " You say?" Amarachi asked

With that question, Jimmy stood up running out of the cafeteria with Amarachi pursuing him.

I turned to the others " I need to give Jayden his package"

"Does he deserve one too?" Jason asked

"Good question, how are we even sure that he hasn't forgotten us" Lami answered

"I'm sure he would just dump it somewhere" Janet added

"It's okay! I'm giving him and that's final" I stared at them

"That's his table over there, get on your feet" Craig urged me

"I'll go, Vanessa can be annoying sometimes" I tried to calm myself

"Should I help you? I'll just go there and fling the gift on his face" Lami hissed

LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL #PROJECT NIGERIAWhere stories live. Discover now