Lapis blue <3

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"You may go on and do what ever you want but remember, 8 o'clock tomorrow

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"You may go on and do what ever you want but remember, 8 o'clock tomorrow." Fours voiced before leaving the room. The girls arms were nearly falling off for the length they had been made to through knives. the rest of the group shared the pain, she could tell just by their faces.

Blue liked dauntless, she can see it becoming home but she will always miss amity. She'll miss the trees, the sun on her skin, and her best friend and their evening ritual to watch the horses run in the fields.

But she left for a reason. the reason of her parents. It would never be the same in amity. instead of the constant joy it brought her it only brought her sorrow. she didn't want her happy memories to start being painful ones. Dauntless was a fresh start. a new place of happiness, where everyone is brave and courageous. Always bringing you a helping hand when challenges are coming. As long as your willing to take on the world.

As much as she would like to believe it she never belonged in amity. as much as her happy exterior was almost picture perfect for them she still was loud, sarcastic and snappy. That's not what they valued.

Her hand grazed along the rocky walls, the blue lanterns dimly lighting up the hallway she wandered down. It was nice, quiet and peaceful.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh I'm sorry I was just wondering, am i not meant to be here. " Eric. It could have been anyone but it had to be the tall pierced man.

"No your not."


"Because it's dangerous out here, flower sniffer." she scoffed at his words.

"Flower sniffer, is that all you've got. Besides the only thing I've come across is you."

"Hmm, your different than I expected. Always smiling though. Why don't we talk. let's do something fun. tattoos?" That through her off guard. Why was he being nice to her, to everyone else he was a dick. "Come on, or are you scared." his eyebrow was raised.


They started to walk as Eric let out a low sarcastic "yay!" Whilst throwing his hands up.

Why she was going with the youngest dauntless leader to get tattoos was weird and she couldn't quite believe it. The fact she felt it easiest to talk to him out of the others was weird but relaxing to her. Well him and the fact she finds it easy throwing insults at Peter.

"What are you going to get."

"not too sure."

Walking around she looked at the designs hung on the wall. This was going to hurt but she wanted it. She had to be brave now. None where near what she pictured so she saw some paper and a pen and started drawing. It wasn't the best but it would get the idea across.

"Excuse me, do you do tattoos?"

"Yes, I'm tori. What have you got in mind?"

"The names Blue and well I drew this it's not the best but it's just a base. I hope you can do something with it." Tori nodded. "Could you do it down my spine?"

Getting out a bigger sheet of paper tori spent around fifteen minutes sketching it out. "Like this?" All she did was nod, it was perfect. Tori let out a small laugh in response to her amazed expression. Laying on her back tori pressed a machine on top.

Shawn would not approve and would defiantly give a lecture to why they are bad but Gabriella would just sit and laugh at the situation. Gab would appreciate the tattoo.

Gabriella was from dauntless but transferred because of the violence. Her test showed amity but that didn't mean she didn't still have traits of dauntless. That's why she was so excepting, knowing how it feels. She helped Shawn open his views on the different factions even though of his opinions he was still a nice man.

"Im all done."


"Yep take a look."

Glancing in the mirror her back held a long sword, like the ones from medieval times. It was laced with thorns and about three roses spread evenly around it. Azure loved it.

"Thank you so much Tori, it's better than what I pictured." Walking out the room her shirt pulled back on, Eric sat looking at him arm. "How long have you been waiting."

"Only about five minutes. You look un-inked, pussy out?"

Azure turned around pulling her shirt up at the back making sure not to flash anyone. Eric gasped making her laugh. "It's amazing, wouldn't have taken you for a sword type."

"I think they're beautiful but that's not the point I'm hungry and it's already." she pondered as she glanced at the clock. "20 minutes into my eating time. If there are no chips left it's your funeral." With a laugh we both left.

Walking into the cafeteria doors Eric and her laughs where the only things voiced in the room. Noticing the silence she awkwardly glanced forward, everyone was staring. she turned back to Eric. "They're starring because your able to make me laugh. Come on, sit at my table today." she felt her cheeks turn red from embarrassment at all the glances.

Going to his table was fine, it wasn't his it was just a random table he had selected. Their light conversation was nice while they ate. It was the first time she hadn't felt home sick. The nice thing about eric was that he was so honest and easy to make conversation with.

"Blue." A voice spoke, and she instantly knew who it was, Peter.


"Can I talk to you please." He eyed Eric up and down. "Alone."

"Sure." Getting up and following him to a desolate corridor she couldn't help but think this was weird.

"Why are you sat with him."

"Why not. He's my friend."

"Pfff, Eric isn't friends with people. Let alone a flower like you." she really didn't understand the insult it's harmless. When he says it though it's different, he spoke it with such venom she could almost taste it.

"I'm not a flower anymore, and why do you care so much if I'm friends with him."

"Oh but you are a flower. That's all you'll ever be. Stupid, useless and a coward. so listen to me when i tell you to stay away from him. or else. "

"Or what? You don't have control over me!" her voice was hesitant, not in question but in shock.

"We will see." With that he turned and left.

Point to Peter.

I like this chapter. Peter giving her mixed signals is a must. Also I'm liking the thought of a friendship between her and Eric. <3


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