A week later

989 61 6

Another week went by, Gaster thought at his lab as he worked on something very simple. He hasn't told anyone he was expecting just yet, he's keep it pretty quiet because he wanted to surprise asgore and toriel first before anyone else.

After all, they are his friends. So he wanted to surprise them first, though he's wondering how he will surprise them..maybe a pun?

Hmm that's something to think about, he knows toriel will get a kick out of the pun first before realizing what he meant.

Gaster thought with a hum, that was before his soul gave him an unexpected but also expected twitch.

"Oh..so I guess I have to do that then?" Gaster said out loud to himself before he got up from his chair and headed to grillby's.

Gaster started to hum a bit as he headed his way to his boyfriends bar place.

He did know that some certain soullings will want some other their other parent or parents magic at some point or another, he was kinda expecting it but not at the same time considering he didn't really know much to expect about skeletons being pregnant and all.

But at least it's nice to know and figure things out with his boyfriend. Gaster thought as he entered grillby's bar and headed over to where grillby was at and sat in front of grillby who noticed him immediately.

Though Gaster had to wait a few minutes before grillby was done with the towers before he came over to check on Gaster himself.

"You ok?" Grillby asked quietly.

Gaster nodded a little bit, "yeah, though they wanted some of your magic I believe."

Grillby paused and his flames went a little bright before back to normal before the two of them headed to an area where the others wouldn't see the two of them.

Grillby let one of his hands glow with some of his magic and gently placed it to gasters stomach area, right above the two soulings.

Gaster sighs softly, relaxing a little as the...whatever it was stopped, maybe it was the soulings calling out for their other parents magic?

That was something to think about, he wonders how often they will want grillby's magic?

Since this is the first time after all.

Gaster hums a bit as he waited before nodding to grillby or moved his hand back and stops with using some magic in his hand.

"Thank you grillby." Gaster told his boyfriend.

Grillby nodded, "anytime."

Gaster smiled a bit, "well I should check the time to see how long I've been away beofre deciding to either go back home or go back to work."

Grillby nodded at that and went back to where the others where at to continue his own work while Gaster checked the time.

"Hmm by the time I make it back over there, it would be time for me to go..so I guess I'm going home early today." Gaster said to himself and headed out of grillby's and walked over to where his and grillby's home was.

Opening the door and closing it behind him as he walked over to the kitchen, grabbing himself an already pre-made snack to eat while he watched some old videos on the tv for a bit as he waited for grillby to come back home.

Though in the end Gaster ended up falling asleep shortly before grillby got back, alrealdy finished with his snack.

~ small time skip to when grillby is back~

Grillby entered the shared home of gasters and his own.

At first it was just gasters home that he used to visit often, but that was before they started dating and grillby moved into gasters home.

It made both of them happy to cuddle at nights after that, grillby remembered fondly as he headed over to the couch after closing the door behind him to gently and carefully pick up Gaster.

Grillby headed upstairs to their shared bedroom and carefully opened the door.

And slowly walked over to their bed before setting Gaster down and covering up Gaster with a blanket.

Grillby stood back up and headed back downstairs to start on supper in a bit.

So grillby just waited a little bit before he started with supper for the day.

Finished with 790 words. It's shorter then the other few chapters but meh.

Hope you like and comment what you think.

Ja ne~!

Also comments usually are one of the things that make my day.

Undertale, sans, papyrus
Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge
Underswap, sans/blue, papyrus/swap
Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/gold
Swapfell, sans/blackberry, papyrus/rus
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/starshine
Horrortale, sans/horror, papyrus/sweets
Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare
Xtale, sans/cross
Dusttale, sans/dust, papyrus/phantom
Killertale, sans/killer
Reapertale, sans/reaper, papyrus/grim
Aftertale, sans/geno,
Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void

Might include a few aus don't know yet


Also help I'm out of ideas 😅

Uhh  next chapter is Gaster telling asgore and toriel

Should it be a pun or Nah? If so can you help me out on what kind of pun to use if you'll want a pun to tell the two?

Vote on it ok?


As Gaster and pregnant?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora