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"I advise you to stay away from Priestess-nim, she has many things to think about and she has no time to think about you and your mixed signals. Within a month or two we would go back into the Vatican and there she would permanently stay"

"Ah? You don't know? Since the temple haven't had a Saintess for decades, it is only natural to hone her to become one, she is the closets one to become a Saintess after all"

"Anyways, as I said, leave her alone. You had your chance fifteen years ago"

He always had a bad blood about your aide, but for the first time, what he said was right. He didn't know why, but it felt right. He was speechless for the first time as he look at the back of your knight, walking away from him with you in his arms.

It was that same feeling, the same feeling back in those years where he watched you get in the carriage, giving him one last look before never looking back, and never returning.

It was the same feeling when he had no other choice but to do this job as a knight and stay by his friend, the current emperor and he had no other choice but to see you off offer yourself to the temple.

It was that same feeling that made his heart hurt so much he bit his lips to suppress a whimper coming out. The only difference is that this time, you never look back, you're just there resting in someone else's arms.

And it hurts him to the bone.

What strike him the most is that he wasn't supposed to be feeling this way, it's been years. It's been almost two decades. Honestly, he did forget about you.

But the moment you went out of that carriage, he felt like the fire, that little fire inside his heart that was barely keeping its flame starts to spark again.

Keeping his eyes in the back of your aide. He watch as he slowly disappeared in his sight.

He was confuse, truly he was.

At the same time he knew he was running out of time.

So giving himself a couple of days to think, he immediately ask Lillian York to met him at the garden where he decided to find the answer he was looking for.

Yes I know this is short

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Yes I know this is short

I'm sorry :")

Somehow (Felix Robane)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora