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You let out a sigh of relief as you crunch down as soon as you got out of the office of the emperor

"Are you alright?"

Looking up, you could only see Felix offering you a hand

Once again letting out a sigh, you accepted his hand that gently pull you up, causing you to stand up in grace once again.

"Just a little nervous, but its wasn't that scary as I thought the emperor might be, was it because Lady Diana is really back? he wasn't as terrifying sa the rumors might seems?"

You spoke, questioning yourself at the end as you end up saying your thoughts out loud

Upon having to be summoned by the emperor as soon as you finished your breakfast, you're quite scared and nervous. But as you entered the room earlier, it wasn't that bad.

It was a good thing that you manage to stay clam and manage not to make any mistakes as you tried to verify if Lady Diana was really a blessing whom came back by the grace of the Goddess.

And indeed she was. It was clear to tell by her aura, and when you touch her and try to inspect her with the little divine power that you have.

"Rumors? There is such a thing inside the convent?"

"Well of course, since most of the time we aren't allowed to go outside, rumors are the only thing that we could believe on coming from outside"

You explain as you look around

"Anyways, should I return to my chamber now?"

"You don't sound so sure about that"

Felix chuckle as he offer his hands to escort you once again

"Well since Elijah was the one who knows my schedule for the day, most of the time I relay on him"

You answer truthfully as you accepted his hand

"You and your knight seems to be close"

"Well you could say that"

You replied with a shrug

"He was assigned to me as soon as I entered the convent so I guess we've been close ever since"

"Ever since you entered? Then it's been a decade or two"

Felix replied, a hint of surprise on his voice as he did

"That long?"

You end up looking at him wide eyes

"Well it doesn't seem that long with me. I mean I rarely go outside, I barely see outside. Getting stuck in the convent was quite a bore but I guess I just end up getting used to it"

You said as you recall, doesn't seem to mind that much

At the same time, the red hair man walking right beside you kept looking at you in his peripheral vision, hand holding yours wanted to tighten it but nevertheless manage to keep still as he controls himself.

"It was long for me"

He mumble under his breath

The thought of someone else holding you like this somehow seems to make his chest tighten for some odd reason.

"Hmmm? Did you say something Sire?"

Looking at you whom seems to snap out of your own thoughts, you blink innocently at him. (Eye color) iris still the same spark it has before.

It was mesmerizing.


He spoke, looking ahead as he kept holding your hand on your way to your chamber

You on the other hand notice his red ears from behind, nevertheless you end up looking away, holding your free hand up on your chest.

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now