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You blink as you (eye color) iris meet with a pair of gray ones as soon as you went out of the door

"Excuse me Sire but wasn't Elijah the one whom I'm supposed to see out side my chamber? Where is he?"

You questioned the red hair knight whom was the one outside of your chamber

"It seems like you aren't inform but Elijah was called back into the Temple for some reasons, so I would be the one to protect and act as your guard for the mean time Priestess-nim"

"But aren't you the Emperor's aide? Sire"

You questioned him, genuinely bothered by the fact that you seems to be getting on his schedules and priorities right now

"That was a few years ago"

He replied that cause you to become silent for awhile, suddenly becoming awkward

The silence was enough to make you rub the back of your neck as you look away from him, cursing your knight for leaving you all alone in here without notice.

"I've become the Princess aide a few years ago, but nowadays it seems like the Princess have gone quite close with the Tower Magician"

He added that breaks the awkward silence as you both stand right in front of your chamber inside the imperial palace

"And now I'm assign to you Preistness-nim"

He stated, causing you to look up into him

Unlike years ago where there was no need to look up at him upon having the same height, that was not a case right now where he was obviously have gone taller than you.

So as your (eye color) iris continue to look at those gray iris you never seem to forget.

"It's (First name)(Last name), no need to call me by my title"

You said with a sigh as you bow

"I'll be in your care until my aide came back, I'm sorry in advance for the troubles that might come Sire"

You stay still, bowing slightly as you clasp your hands together just like what you're thought inside the Temple

It's not like you mind working beside him, although it was a bit awkward, you felt like you're the one feeling like it so you'll just get along with it until this is over.

But then your thoughts were cut off before they could get even deeper with a low chuckle.

"Trouble huh?"

He smile at you


You held up your curled fish on your chest, gently holding it with your free hand as your ears turn red

"That sure bring back some memories (First name)"

He laugh slightly

"And please call me Felix just like the old days shall we?"

He stated with a smile, gray iris somehow getting brighter every time you look at it

But then,

"I'll think about it Sire"

You replied, looking away from those gray iris as you lower your hand to your side

For a moment, as you look away from him, his smile slightly flatter, nevertheless he continue to smile at you.

"Then shall we head out for your breakfast?"


You replied with a nod, thinking who are you to refuse free food.

But upon seeing him offering a hand that was held out to escort you towards the dining hall.

You look at it for a good couple of seconds, upon realizing it was rude to leave a man holding out a hand for so long, you just shrug off the feelings on your chest and went to accept his hand.

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