Twenty One

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It's been a few days ever since he found his answer, at the same time, it's been a few days ever since he saw you. He has been looking for you for a few days now, but it seems like he have never seen you around, not even that annoying knight of yours that seems to get on his nerves ever time they meet.

It was of those days where he stay away from the emperor hoping to find you around the palace as he make a stroll but then there was still no sign of you around.

With a sigh, he made his way towards the garden, he remembered back in the day where you would say that you found peace in there as well as the library, but he already went to look for you in the library but find no one in there.

Making his way into the garden, he bump into some of the maids in while he kindly smile at them. But then a simple sentence was enough to made him stop on his tracks as soon as he heard it.

"Have you heard? The priestess and her aide would be leaving today"

"Really? I thought they'll be staying until the next two weeks. What happened?"

He felt his blood ran cold as soon as he heard those words.

He quickly turn around to where the gossiping maids where, shocking them in the process as he barged into there conversation.

"What do you mean the Temple envoys are leaving today?"

He almost stutter, cold sweat on neck as he wait for the answer at the obvious terrified maid

"Bu-but it's true, they've been finishing their duties in the empire the past few day so the--"

Not letting the maid finish, he curse in his mind as he sprints into the room you're supposed to be staying.

He open, more like barged in there without warning, praying to the Gods from above that the maid words where just a lie, that you're still in this room.

But what he found was just maids trying to tidy up the now empty room, not even a presence of you in the room.

"Where is Y/N?"

He asked, voice held urgency and hope

"The priestess-nim?"

"I'm afraid she and her aide maybe have left the palace sire"

The maids answer

"Oh! Speaking of! Priestess-nim left a letter for you"

Stoned in place, one of the maids approached him, a letter in hand in which he have no choice but to accept. Mind still on daze, he open the letter.

To this old lover of mine.

Felix Robane

It was truly a shame to bid my goodbye just like this, but I'm afraid I am running of time for I must leave right now, I have no choice but to write this goodbye letter instead. So by the time you've read this letter, I must have left the palace and is in a faraway place by now.

With that being said, it's been awhile since I've saw you sire. As much as I want to address you by your name, so many things have changed, you're truly a great knight right now, being the right hand of the emperor must have been hard, but I guess that is something you've been dreaming the first place.

This old friend, lover, and is now a stranger to you is very much proud of what you've become.

Well I guess this is it for us, Felix.

I honestly did not expect to go outside again, being confined in the temple for the past one decade and half, I did forget about you.

I truly did, but.. How do I say this?

It was nice seeing you again, seeing you bring back so many memories, memories I've thought I have forgotten about.

And I guess this is the time to forget it for good.

I maybe have a bit of regret of how the two of us ended, I'm sure you do too. But forget about that.

I hope you and Miss York have a beautiful relationship, don't let it go to waste. It's quite peaceful nowadays.

Then I guess, somehow this is our goodbye Felix.

For the last time, to my first and only love of my life.

I love you, and I'm really. Really letting you go this time.

From this old lover of yours.

Y/N L/N.


No no no no no no no.

It's not what you think.

He scream on his head as the maids around him could not help but to gasp as they say tears rolling down his cheeks, staining the letter on his hand that has it's own trace of tear stain too.

He scream on his head as the maids around him could not help but to gasp as they say tears rolling down his cheeks, staining the letter on his hand that has it's own trace of tear stain too

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

End of He

Somehow (Felix Robane)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat