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"Nothing much has changed"

You said to yourself as you stroll down in the streets of the capital

Having to wear a commoners outfit, you could not help but to twirl as you look around, the certain red hair knight, which was now having his hair magically dyed in black for him not to stand out to much for all you wanted was a peaceful stroll, was following you closely behind.

The capital saw still beautiful as you left a few years ago. A decade and a half, yet it was still beautiful as you left. Nothing much has changed, but a few thing did, just like the ambiance in here.

And the old cafe in there that made you stop on your tracks for a moment. Seeing a teenage couple casually talking and laughing inside through the see through glass, somehow, the image overlaps.

"Are you following me?"

You could not help but to ask the young man sitting right across you inside the small cafe inside the capital streets

"No? I just happened to fetch his highness some sweets"

"Are you talking about the second prince right? I'm pretty sure he doesn't like sweets"

You replied, rolling your eyes at him before going back into reading the book you're currently holding in one hand, while the other was holding the tea cup as you went to take a sip

And so there was an awkward silence between the two of you as it seems like both of you waited until his and your order arrived

but it was his chuckle that suddenly lit up the mood, at the same time causing you to look at him

There was man was chucking, hands on his lips trying to cover it that made you raise your brows at him

"Right, you are right. I was following you"

"It's been going on for days Sire. It's quite uncomfortable so what do you want?"

You spoke, placing down the copy of the book of the Goddess on the table

At the same time accidentally knocking out the tea cup on the table causing it to lit to the side, spilling it's contents on the table which soon drip into you.

Felix watch this is wide eyes, quickly picking up the book on the table and was about to warn you but the damage has already been done and.... You seems awfully calm about it.

"It happened again"

"Yeah, what a careless Lady that is"

Somehow (Felix Robane)Where stories live. Discover now