"Raina and K look like a married couple with Taki being their child." Daniel muttered, quiet enough to not alert the three. Sunghoon snickered from behind him and nodded in agreement, Heeseung and Jay glanced at eachother and smirked. The whole group agreed with Daniel's statement, everyone but their two eldest members had placed bets on how long it took until K and Raina confessed their feelings to eachother. It was amusing to watch the two be completely oblivious to the feelings they had for one another.

Soon enough, the 13 I-LANDER's had split off into their units as practice commenced. Raina was apart of the I NEED U unit which consists of Jungwon, Jake, Geonu and Daniel. Out of all three units, Raina was concerned about the DNA team. K, Jay and Ni-ki in the sane unit was lethal but she wasn't gonna let them get to her nor would she let it get to her other unit members either. They were all just going to have to practice harder.

Raina along with the others were in the 2nd floor practice room. Deciding each member's part went smoothly, instinctively Raina had adapted the leader role and taught the choreography and aided to their vocals. She noticed throughout their practice that they all seemed deflated and she knew why, sighing Raina looked at her boys.

"Guys." She said, gaining their attention. The 4 young boys looked towards the woman as she motioned her head to gather around. By the serious look on her face they all glanced at eachother and tensed up, expecting her to critise them.

"You guys aren't confident about this are you?" She asked softly, her tone contrasting with the serious look on her face. Raina didn't need them to answer her, their facial expressions and body language said it all.

Raina sighed once again and looked around at the 4 young men surrounding her.

"I know the others don't particularly view our unit as threatening or talented. I know you guys are worried, to be honest so am I. But you guys are just as talented as any of the others, it is just that you guys are lacking confidence. And I know this may sound harsh, but the only reason you guys are worried about others like Heeseung, Jay, K and Ni-ki is because you've put them on a pedestal. You've convinced yourselves that they are better than you, but in reality. We're all the same, none of us are better or worse than the other. So as harsh and as hard as it may be I need you guys to toughen up and push thoes worried aside." Raina said, her tone firm and hard. As much as she understood and sympathised with boys, they didn't have time to bullshit around and worry about the others. Raina wanted to make sure that no one in this room had a chance in getting eliminated.

The boys around Raina looked down at their laps. Her words rolling around in their head, they all knew she was right. For them to work and do this right, they had to push all thoes doubts away and focus. Jungwon was the first of them to raise his head and look at Raina, his eyes clashing with her own. She saw the flame of determination in his eyes and couldn't help but smile at the young boy, she saw the raw potential in him.

He'd make a hell of a leader. Raina thought as she watch him stand up and look at the 3 other boys as they looked back at him.

"Noona's right. Enough messing around, let's practice." Raina watched as the other 3 males smiled at Jungwon and stood up with him nodding at his words. Raina grinned at Jake who offered his hand to her and helped her up. Raina cracked her knuckles and neck and smirked.

"Let's show the others who they should be worried about." The others smiled widely at their noona. Each of them greatful for her words.

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