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{author's note: warning for anxiety / panic attacks. i don't get super duper detailed, but it's a thing that happens at the end of the chapter, and it's a descriptive thing and not just a mention.}


ricky knew nini had only left to go to the bathroom, but frankly she was taking a while ag this point and he'd come to the conclusion she probably got caught up with something else.

talking to people he hardly knew or had interest in was making him a bit stir crazy so he tells howie he's going to go get some air and heads up the basement stairs to look for the sliding glass doors that led to the backyard.

but while he manages to skirt the dance floor, he doesn't seem to be able to avoid catching the eye of the girl who invited him to this party in the first place.

sure the conversation felt a bit inevitable, but he'd been sort of hoping to put it off.

she waves him down, calling him over to her as she sort of stops dancing for a moment to gesture for him to come closer.

it's strange, her acknowledging him in such a way when these were her friends all around them. but as he had to remember, this was innocent and most everyone was intoxicated to some extent.

he can't avoid her eyes, but he's not dancing with her and the way he shakes his head tells her as much.

gina instead walks over to him, not taking no for an answer in this case.

"i was hoping we could do this easily, but if you're not willing to make it fun i guess we can just have it out." she says, gina pursing her lips as she stares at him.

"look, i don't know about you, but i was literally just hoping to go outside for a bit, we can do this now if you really need to, but i really wasn't looking for a fight."

"i didn't invite you to this party to fight, ricky. believe it or not i thought we could have some fun."

"aren't we sort of past that point considering you dumped me?" he replies, raising an eyebrow.

"you were going to break up with me." she shrugs, glancing around them for a moment. "i'll show you outside. we can go sit on the patio and have the talk we've been putting off." gina says it so matter of factly he can't deny it's not up for debate.

she grabs him by the hand, something he's far from used to in a public space like this, and pulls him with her through the house until they're out on an empty patio, sitting on the long concrete steps with about a foot between the two of them.

"do you care if i smoke?" he asks, starting to go for his pocket when he at least attempts the courtesy.

"if you know i hate it when you do that around me then why are you even bothering to ask?"

gina does make a good point, but he just shrugs at her question that wasn't much of one.

"i said i wanted some air. probably a safe assumption that's what i'd be going outside for huh?" he chuckles lightly, nudging her arm just a bit. "but nah, i know you hate it when i do that... just this once i guess i'll let that stop me."

"i'll consider it a parting gift." she decides upon as an answer. "and you know i don't really think about you that way all the time. i did like being with you, contrary to apparently what you seem to think." gina's words are filled with strength rather than sheer distaste.

"ah alright a parting gift, so i take it we are really saying goodbye then?" he clarifies, turning to properly look at her. "i think it's a good choice, but- i really wasn't sure what you wanted, bringing me here."

what more can i say | rini auWhere stories live. Discover now