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Girls day out... It's what Kourtney had proposed and Nini had somewhat begrudgingly agreed to. Part of her really did want to keep just being with Ricky the rest of the day, considering tonight would be their last night together, but maybe that wasn't truly the best idea in terms of her keeping it together.

Going out of the house with Aspen and Kourtney was probably a good idea, even if it wasn't her initial plan for the day.

Ricky had seemed cool with it, and while her mind went to the worst place and told her that maybe he really was sick of her company, she knew that wasn't the case. He was just ready to try moving forward, and hiding in Nini's house all the time wasn't really moving forward at all.

Aspen had come to pick her up though, after Ricky had already left to meet the guys at the skate park, and as Nini got into the passenger seat, she can't help but exhale a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for getting me." She tells her friend, warm smile on her face.

"Of course Ni. You know I don't mind. Plus I figured you'd like some time to vent before we meet Kourtney at the mall?"

"You'd be perfectly right about that little detail." She agrees easily with a laugh as they drive off down the street.

"You know I'm always here to listen but... I also do need to tell you about something actually..."

Evidently it's Aspen's turn for her voice to trail off, seemingly a bit unsure about revealing what she's about to tell her.

"Something good? Bad? Spill it!" Nini can't help but be more than a little curious given the circumstances.

"Well... I would say good? But I mean I only kept this from you because well... You've been a bit distracted at the moment. It was the night Ricky and Gina fought..."

"Oh Aspen... I would've made time for you. But wait... what happened?"

"So Big Red walked me home... And we uh- we may or may not have kissed on the front porch?"

She speaks quickly, but Nini understands anyway, and she can't help but clap her hands together giddily as Aspen finishes.

"Wait? You and Big Red? That's so exciting what? You should've said something..."

"I know... But I mean like I said you've been a bit caught up in Ricky which- I can't exactly blame you for. You're kinda in it with him..."

"I'm sorry... I know I've had my focus a bit singleminded but I swear I'm here for you Aspen. Even if I'm caught up in Ricky..."

She's genuinely apologetic, and Aspen seems to take it at face value as she always does, and that's all too appreciated on Nini's part.

"You said you think he wanted to kiss you though like what happened there?"

"You know that thing where they look at your lips? Like that. It was uh- it was a moment but... I could've imagined it it's- it's been a long week. He holds me around the waist in bed Aspen it's like come on..."

"You two are basically married. I'm sorry Ni... If it helps I do think it's totally possible he did want to kiss you. You have been very extra close the last few days..."

"That's actually part of what worries me. If I was someone else in that position would it have been exactly the same? He's kind of in a weird place emotionally right now."

"Maybe, maybe not. You just have to give yourself room to enjoy your time with him. You said you have one last night... Maybe if you wanted to you could have a little kiss before he leaves?"

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