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Friday comes sooner than expected, and after a few days of hanging out at the skate park with the guys, going to the mall with Kourtney to take advantage of the AC, or swimming in Aspen's backyard, Nini's more than excited to get the whole group together for pizza and skating.

Sitting in Ricky's passenger seat, her board tossed in the back with his, she finds herself turning the stereo up louder as an All Time Low song comes up on shuffle.

Thank goodness for those aux cord tapes they made now so you can use your phone's music with the tape deck in these old cars. It's a lot more fun to listen to their shared playlist than waiting for a good song to come on some local station on the radio.

The opening chords of Lost In Stereo are quickly followed by her quickly hitting him on the arm repetitively with excitement.

He's grinning too, the both of them singing along to the song. Even as he stares at the road, the ever-focused Ricky never risking his perfect driving record, his enthusiasm is clearly matched with her own.

As Nini's voice echoes over the track, she can't help but think that some of the lyrics hit a bit close to home, just switching out the pronouns of course.

"I've been waiting... for so long, but she'll never know. I'm losing hope cause she's so lost in stereo..."

And then when they get to the bridge, she lets him take it alone, thinking how some of those lines might be a bit close to his own heart.

"And I'm just like cellophane... Cause she sees right through me I know, she's glitter and gold..."

Sure, Gina knew who he was, unlike the girl in the song, but she definitely doesn't know him... Or at least from all Nini has seen and heard of their relationship, Gina doesn't truly know Ricky. It was very glitter and gold, Gina the perfect ballerina and a "pretty little timebomb" as the song said.

Nini just hopes that when that timebomb blows up, it won't actually take Ricky down with it. She wants him to get it through his head that this wasn't worth it, but she's also very aware he's going to have to realize it for herself.

The next song, fittingly, is actually Time-Bomb by the same band.

Maybe it was ironic- the way that Nini would describe Gina as Lost In Stereo's 'pretty little timebomb', but this particular song, thusly titled, felt far more accurate to her own relationship with Ricky than his with Gina.

The sentiment about no matter what comes I'll hold onto you through it because even when it breaks like it's destined to, we're going to fix it together...

Yeah- that was a lot like how she and Ricky were.

And "you've got my heart in your hands, like a time bomb ticking..." Quite relatable for the girl who's been crushing on her best friend for so long now... He really held her heart tight between his fingers and never squeezed the trigger all the way down.

One of these days though she hopes he'll pull it, even if on some days she thinks he never will.

Hearing his voice echoing over the radio on that bridge, Nini feels her heart race and he's taking her left hand in his right, staying over the gear shift.

"Got my heart, in your hands like a time bomb ticking... It goes off we start again, when it breaks we fix it."

She joins him for the second half of it. "Got your heart, in my hands like a time bomb ticking... We should know better but we won't let go..."

Well that last part certainly hit her right in the heart. But she doesn't have to focus on it too long as the energy picks right back up again for the final chorus, Nini and Ricky both singing at the top of their lungs as the last line plays.

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