14. (The Gina POV)

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"Oh Ash you're back. By the way while you were gone I decided it's not third wheeling. There's more of us than there are of them, I counted." EJ shakes his head as his cousin rejoins the group at the table, Ashlyn setting down their drinks.

"I hope you mean single and taken Caswell because I still am not convinced that you sir are completely straight." Carlos replies with a laugh, clearly teasing even if he does sorta mean the last part.

"I do, I do. But you never know..." EJ just laughs in return, Carlos giving him a quick fist bump across the table as Seb just smiles, clearly amused by the conversation.

Seb Matthew-Smith was a perfect addition to their little group of friends, and that was something everyone could agree upon from the very start of Carlos's flirtations with the newest transfer student at their high school around two years prior.

Gina knew a bit about being the new girl places, so she was happy to have someone like Seb around for that too. All of her friends had something they shared with her, and with one another in general. That's why their group worked so perfectly well.

"I stand by the third wheeling comment I made Elijah."

"Ooh full names today, I love that." Gina giggles, giving Ashlyn a high five, one that she wishes she could take back when Ashlyn starts speaking again.

"I mean it's like I told Nina, I honestly feel like such a fifth wheel today."

"Fifth wheel? What do you mean fifth wheel?" Gina's eyes go wide, and so do EJ's for that matter as they realize she could only be talking about them.

"Oh- no. Gina and I aren't like that at all..." EJ tells his cousin, though it's clearly for the benefit of the rest of the table as well.

"Oh I mean I know you two aren't together, I think we all know that. I just know you two are definitely very close lately. He's my cousin so we've always been pretty tight. I just feel a bit like an outsider sometimes..." Ashlyn explains, her voice a bit soft as she gets into her feelings on the subject.

"Ash... you're the opposite of a fifth wheel." Gina tells her with a soft sigh. "You're my best friend in all of Salt Lake City, it's like I told my mom we're basically soulmates. And I mean EJ is fully your cousin, you're not getting rid of him. I don't think you could if you tried."

"Yeah you don't get to disown me cuz, I don't go down easy." EJ's easy laughter brings a bit of light to a more heavy conversation than maybe any of them were expecting for lunch at the mall downtown. "But I mean believe me when I say that I don't think any of us plan on ditching you any time soon. Seb and Carlos are in love but that doesn't make them any less your friends. You even called Carlos your twin flame at the party before."

Ashlyn offers her cousin a smile, then turns to Gina beside her, opening her arms up for a hug which the dancer happily gives her in return.

"The cool vibe is sufficiently killed for the moment, but might I just say that you three are inseparable and I wouldn't trade this group for the world?" Carlos interjects as the girls separate again.

"We love you too Carlos." Gina laughs with a warm smile on her face. Something so unlike the breeziness she's used to displaying, but far more natural.

It's not until Gina's getting in EJ's backseat with Ashlyn that something hits her. Ashlyn said she was talking to Nina when she mentioned the fifth wheel thing. There were plenty of Nina's in Salt Lake City, but none more potent in Gina Porter's mind than Nina Salazar-Roberts.

And well- as much as she claims not to want to be Nina's friend, if she's seen things the right way in her time around Ricky and Nina... She definitely needs to settle the score if Ashlyn really told this particular girl that she was 'fifth-wheeling Seb and Carlos and EJ and herself...'

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