Ch 3: Bathwater

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Behind the wall, was a large space full of Killer ant larvae. Not wanting others to be troubled, she swiftly deals with it by destruction.



All she heard was a click after dealing with most of the larvae until she realized she had been teleported somewhere else.

After a few moments, she feels herself fall on her back.

"How troublesome. . ."

Standing up, she pat her clothes to rid it of any dirt. Although, the blood did not really get off.

Looking around, She finds a sufficient amount of water. But. . .

"A dragon?"

Blocking her way to the pool of water, was an ill wyvern. A bluish-purple dragon that is three meters long.

"A new monster. . .?" She grabbed her sword again.

The wyvern then flew away. This confused the girl. Shaking her head, she went towards the pool of water. Near it was a big pile of ashes.

Not minding it, she takes off her clothes and dips herself in the pool of water. Noticing that somehow, her body somehow felt rejuvenated and clean of any filth, she stayed a little longer.

Splashing some water to wash her clothes to remove the stains left by the dried ant blood, it proved to be effective as now, her clothes were clean. The ant's blood proved to be a challenging stain even for waterproof clothing.

Letting herself float from the the pool of water, she then hears pitter patters and voices. Must be adventurers she guessed.

"We should first put our attention against the fight with the cadmus." She heard a girl say.

"The cadmus is the strongest class monster aside from the floor boss. . . right?" Another girl asked.

"Yes, I had once fought against it before and my entire body was tattered." A third said.

"T- then. .  Can't we just sneak past it?"

"The cadmus is like, a bodyguard, protecting the spring water. If you have these thoughts then you'll die."

Sighing to herself, she walks toward the source of the voices after grabbing her sword.

She checked it for damages first but it seemed to have no damages, and is in perfect condition.

"Wait a minute!"


Skadi had broken the wall and saw a blonde girl wearing armor.

The two began to have a staredown until Skadi's eyes caught something on the corner of her eye.

A same pile of ashes but bigger.

"A. . .girl?" Ais asks as three more girls walked up to the blonde.

"Ais what's the ma-" a short tan girl cuts herself off as she saw Skadi.

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