Chapter 1

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Stacey's P.O.V.

My name is Stacey Lamen and I am 15 years old. My birthday is a month away and I just moved to the state of Tennessee four days ago. My family and I live in a small house just outside of town. Our house is right next to a forest in our backyard and we live in a quiet neighborhood.

My sister, my mom and my dad all live here with me. My sister ,Lindsey, is two years older than me and her birthday is a month and six days after mine (not counting the year). Our parents are both working and it's just been peaceful around here. I'm a freshman in high school this year. Our new school is Clarksville Heights High School.

        It's Saturday and I woke up earlier than I usually did this morning. I look at the clock at my bed side table. It is 4:30 in the morning. I breathed out a sigh and got up out of bed since I can't go back to sleep.

I walk over to open my door and went down the hallway as quietly as I could so I didn't wake anyone else up. I wandered into the kitchen and was surprised to see Lindsey out of bed too. She has long blonde hair that goes down to the small of her back, although right now it looks like a bird's nest, and big green eyes, which right now look more tired than ever.

She's wearing a white tank-top and black sweatpants. Her head is currently being propped up by her left hand while sitting at the table with an Alice In Wonderland themed glass cup of milk. She looks up at me as soon as I walked in.

"Hey girlie, you couldn't go back to sleep either?" She whispered to me.

I shook my head to tell her no since I didn't want to wake up mom and dad, then turned to open the fridge and grab my self a glass of milk. I walk over to the table and sit across from Lindsey and start taking small sips of my drink.

"Hey Lindsey?" I ask her.

"What?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Should we go ahead and finish putting away the stuff from the boxes?" I mostly want to just find my teddy bear that I've had since I was four. It was given to me by my grandmother, who died of lung cancer when I was four.

I was three when she gave it to me but I didn't start getting attached to it until my fourth birthday. I love that bear because it still has her scent on it even though it's been almost 12 years.

"Sure, why not. It's not like we have anything else to do today." She said while scratching the side of her head. She gets up and goes into the living-room as I put our glass cups into the sink and then following her in there.

We still have five boxes left to unpack so my teddy bear has got to be in one of those boxes. No one really understood why I liked it so much, but I do for my own reasons and if anything happens to it, I will make sure the one who ruins it won't be able to see tomorrow.

Time Skip: a month later

        'Today is my birthday'. I thought numbly as I got out of bed, getting ready to go to school. Yes, my birthday is on a school day. Honestly I don't like my birthday cause every year there's always something bad that's going to happen and quite frankly I don't see the point in celebrating it.

But there is somehow a little hope in me that this year will be different. After getting ready, I follow my sister out the door and walk to school in silence. No one tells me happy birthday cause I made that a rule for myself. My birthday ,also, just reminds me of the day of my grandmothers funeral...

"...acey... Stacey!" I look up from the ground at Lindsey with an expression I can't place a finger on.

"Wh-What?" I stuttered. Hating the fact that wasn't paying attention very well. She looked at me quizzically.

"We're here." She said and marched right through the front doors. I adjusted the strap of my handbag and enter the building, heading towards my locker. I am wearing a light blue sweatshirt, a pair of dark blue jeans, and my favorite brown riding boots. Once at my locker, I got everything I need for first hour then I shut it and head to Choir. It went on like this until fourth hour.

I have World History this hour. As I enter the room and sit in my seat in the back of the class, I keep my head looking down at my book. My long black hair covering my face so no one can see me. I don't like people to see my face because it's all I've ever done is just hide myself from everyone. It's just something I know to do. The bell rings for class to begin just as the teacher walks in.

"Okay class we are starting in the Russian Revolution. So open your books to Chapter 12 and take notes." She said with a little enthusiasm as she taught us the lesson for today. We have 10 mins. of free time which is rare for us.

As I'm sitting there doing my Spanish homework that I didn't complete last night. I glance around the room, for a little break from my studies, until my eyes landed on a group of guys two seats away from me talking and I noticed that there was a cute guy staring at me.

He seems curious about something but I didn't know what though. I blush once he waved at me and I just turned back towards my homework trying to focus on it. The bell rings and I am the last one out of class. 'I hope nothing else like that happens again.' I thought as I go to lunch.

        The rest of the day was uneventful and I was glad of it. I'm feeling nervous as my sister and I are walking home. Not only is tonight the night of the Blood Moon, but I have this feeling that we are being watched.

AN: I'm sorry if it is terrible and everything. I will try to make it a little better for u guys. Again this is my first time so I'm not really good at this, but let me know what u think about it and i'll see what i can do for the next chapter. If you have questions please feel free to ask. I can also take advise too if u have any it would help. Again No rude comments!! Please and Thank You. :)

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