Chapter 18

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Stacey's P.O.V.

"Time? Time for what, exactly?" I asked as they both took a few steps back from me.

"Hush, little one. You shall know soon enough." My father spoke in a deep voice.

I noticed that mom is doing something with her hands. Almost as if she was casting some spell. And then, something weird starts to happen. There is now a glowing golden substance within her hands, but I can't make out what it is. She holds her hands up to her face and blows the content in my direction. As she did so the golden stuff became almost.. like... 'Magic?!'

As soon as I realized what it was, the magic surrounded me and I could feel it becoming a part of me. Like it was never gone in the first place. My blond hair turned to golden blond color as my mother sang a song.

"Flower gleam and glow.

Let your power shine.

Make the clock reverse.

Bring back what once was mine."

My eye color starts to turn from green to a dark brown.

"Heal what has been heard.

Change the face design."

And my outfit turns from being a tunic to what I think is a princess dress.

"Save what has been lost.

Bring back what once was mine,

What once was mine."

When the song was over the magic absorbed into me and I was left standing there shocked.

"Now, my child. You have gained your full powers. Use them to the best of your ability and keep moving forward. We will be helping you every step of the way." said father.

"And don't forget to smile, sweetie." said Mother.

  After a while of registering what just happened to me, I smile at them and hold my arms out  for a hug.

" I promise." I reassured them. I pulled them into a group hug.

"Oh, before you go I have some thing to give you, but you need to wake up first."

Zack's P.O.V.

We have been searching for Stacey for the majority of the day and we still can't find her. We had decided to split up in groups of two since there was a lot of us. Inuyasha and Kagome went North to search in the mountains. Sango and Miroku headed East towards the villages hoping to find her there. Koga and one of his "brothers" went South towards the river maybe following the stream. Shippo and Kirara both stayed at the center hoping to catch her if they ever see her. And then there's me with the other "brother". We headed West, but somewhere along the way I lost the guy. So I guess I'm on my own now. I use my wolf-like ability to sniff out Stacey's scent. 

Inuyasha's P.O.V.

"I still don't understand why we are helping this guy, Kagome. We have been walking around for a while trying to find Stacey."

"Inuyasha, I don't really trust him either, but if Stacey really is captured then we need to find her before it's too late." She stated logically.

"But, what if he is just setting up a trap for us?" I asked bitterly.

"Well, if so we did it while finding a friend. Hopefully it's not going to be like that, but for now we have to prepare for the worst." She explained grimly.

We continued walking in silence. I smell something familiar as we get closer to the mountain. It smells like... "Lindsey?"


AN: Hey everyone! Sorry for the long delay of updating. I hope you can forgive me. But for those of you who have read my last post. I would like to thank you guys for your understanding (weather you believed it or not. That was up to you.) and there is some great news! My nanny (grandmother) is out of the hospital and back home. She has been doing well so far. She is breathing on her own again, but she needs to take some time off and rest so she can get her strength back. So, yeah.

Anyways, I'm ending the book here. BUT!! I am wondering if you guys will like to have a Trilogy, a Prequel, or a Sequel, (or anything else you think will be good to continue the story). Again, thank you guys soo much for your support. Please post your thoughts and\or choice in the comments section below and I'll see you guys later!

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