Chapter 15

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Zack's P.O.V.

I headed South this time hoping to have a better chance at finding the group faster that way, but so far nothing. I sigh. 'It's days like these where you wish you were back in the modern world and had the technology to find people.'  Well, no sense in complaining now. After all, we did come this far.

~Time Skip 4 Hours~

I run through an opening in the forest and jump over a few fallen trees. I can hear footsteps behind me. I run faster. The sound of dead leaves crunching with every step I take.

"I'm going to eat you boy! There's no sense in hiding cause I'll be able to find you." said the creature that's chasing me.

I keep on running. 'I need to get rid of this thing quickly. I don't have time for this right now!'  I jump up into a random tree on my right. I shift into a crow and fly to another tree nearby. As soon as I landed on a high branch I look over at the original tree I jumped in and sure enough the creature was there searching for me. 'Hah! Good luck trying to find me now.'  and with that I flew away from the area.

~Time Skip 2 Hours~

I survey the area of a village still in my bird form. The houses were burned down. Most of the villagers were slaughtered. I can smell the blood all the way up here. It looks as though there was a battle here, and from the looks of it I'd say it was between the humans and a demon. 'It must've been a strong demon too. But not by much.'

I fly lower. It seems that the survivors have already left or are already leaving to, I guess, another village. It doesn't seem like there's anything important here for me to do so I fly off.

After a long while of looking around I see another village. I fly lower and land on the roof of a random house. It's peaceful here. The villagers are working in the gardens, the kids playing with their friends, and the elders are talking to one another about their days.

I turn my head towards the forest. There is a tall tree that stands out of all the rest. I feel like I know that tree from somewhere but I can't quite remember. I fly over to a tree that's close to it and land on a branch. Then I shift back. I jump down from the tree branch and walk up to the tree I saw earlier.

It's a willow tree.

Lindsey's P.O.V.

I wake up in a dark room. 'No, it's not a room. It's a cellar.'  I move to stand up but I'm in chains that are connected to the wall. I look at the chains on my wrists and ankles and pull on the chains as hard as I could. blood starts oozing out of my skin, but I keep on pulling anyways. I finally stop when there is a little puddle on the floor behind me.

"This isn't working, but maybe..." I look around me to see if there is anything for me to hit the chains with. I suddenly hear something in the room with me.

"Who's there?" I asked in the darkness.

"Lindsey, is that you?"

Nuroku's P.O.V.

I chuckle at the girl in front of me. Right now she is in a deep sleep while crying so hard that they're tears of blood. Miss Utsugi did a good job as my pawn. Now all there's left is this Zack person, but for now the girls will have to do. I turn to Kagura and Kohoku who are in the room with me.

"Kagura, I need you to capture Rin for me." I tell her.

"Okay." is all she said then left. 'Now it's time to gather all the people that are after me and destroy them'

Stacey's P.O.V. ~still under the spell~

I put on my boots and head to school with my sister. I go to my locker and grab my things and head to my classes like I usually do, but for some reason I feel like something's off. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I still go on through out my day.

Once at home I go to my room and set down my bag and turn on my computer on my bedside table to start on my project. It was for biology and I needed to look up some science career stuff. After a while I finish the project and save it onto my flash drive. 'I feel like I should be doing something else, but what?' 

I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. 'I wonder how everyone is doing?'


AN: Ok so yay we have the villain's P.O.V. in here! And we might get to see his P.O.V. a couple more times since I'm not good at thinking villainy stuff like that, but I'll keep trying for the story. Btw I'm sorry about the time skips.

 The top pic is what I was thinking Zack looks like although the clothing might be different. Oh and the unknown P.O.V. a few chapters ago, when Stacey got her memories back along with a little bit of her power, that is going to be in here a few more times.

 And as a treat I'll do an Inuyasha group P.O.V. at some point too. My goodness so many P.O.V.s! But I don't mind. Thank you to all have been supporting me in my story, I really appreciate it. Well goodbye for now, everyone!

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