chapter 8: friendly teasing and hidden feelings

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After brunch was over Saige drove the boys back to their building, they said their goodbyes, and Saige and Court made their way back to their own apartment. They both wanted to talk about the night before, but were apprehensive to start the conversation in fear of what the other might ask. However, when they finally got home and flopped down on their big L-shape couch Saige bit the bullet.
"So, scale of 1-10, how much did it suck being at a party where you didn't know anyone?"
Courtney pondered her answer for a moment. Her anxiety about the party had mostly been before getting there and the first few minutes when she was separated from Saige and had to make a bit of stilted small talk.
"Initially maybe a 7 or 8 but after getting to talk to people it was a really great time, zero suckiness."
Saige raised her eyebrows.
"People? Or person?"
Courtney felt their face get hot. Damn it, Saige noticed.
"Saige, c'mon he's your brother, he was just being nice because I'm your roommate."
"That is a fair point. And a very convincing explanation. Except you two both totally like each other."
Courtney's jaw dropped and they chucked a throw pillow at Saige in protest.
"Oh my god Saige why would you even say that?"
The pillow had hit Saige in the face but it didn't hurt. She shook her head at Courtney.
"Dude, first of all, you are stunning. Secondly, Shayne is an introvert. If he willingly spent all his time with you he definitely feels comfortable around you. Thirdly, this was a party for his best friend and they barely hung out so he could keep talking to you."
Courtney squinted at Saige and broke out into a smirk.
"Now I don't think I am the only reason why Shayne and Damien didn't talk more at the party."
"What are you implying?"
"Saige c'mon, you guys were attached at the hip all night. He even went with you to drive people home. No wonder you helped your brother so much with that party planning."
"Hey! Court now what are you implying?"
Courtney giggled.
"Definitely not, not implying that you two loooove each other."
Saige chucked the throw pillow back at Courtney but she managed to block it with her arm.
"I don't even- how you could possibly- why I just- what a crazy thing to say-"
Saige sputtered out breathless responses but she came to the conclusion that she was found out. She sighed.
"Shit was I THAT obvious?"
Courtney scooted down next to Saige's spot on the couch and put an arm around her.
"Saige, first of all, you flirt in a very specific way. Some may call it, 'bullying', but I digress. Secondly, you two couldn't keep your eyes off each other all night. And thirdly, he spent a party with all of his closest friends glued to your side, he is clearly into you too."
Saige shook her head.
"You don't know Damien, he's just like that. Very sweet, very goofy, very caring. It's not specific to me."
Courtney squeezed her shoulder.
"Last night it was."
Saige's stomach did a flip flop.
"Okay, if I admit that I very much might have had a crush on Damien since I was 21, can we promise to keep it between us?"
Courtney's eyes widened but she calmed herself.
"Deal, I won't say a word unless we are alone."
"Okay, but since I was so vulnerably able to admit that I may have feelings for, someone. Could you be honest about how you are feeling about, someone else?"
Courtney took a long deep breath.
"Ugh, I don't know man. We just met last night and he's your brother I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable-"
Saige waved her hands in dismissal of that thought.
"Hey, I have seen plenty of people who have liked Shayne or who Shayne has liked. Because of the industry I was friends with some of them too. You are way nicer and prettier and cooler than any of those people. As long as you promise to never give me any specifics about your guys sex life I am on board."
Courtney smacks Saige's arm in shock.
"Jesus Saige, I think we're getting ahead of ourselves here. I just met the guy. And another good point to make, in bringing up the industry, your brother is like, kind of pretty famous."
Saige stared blankly at Courtney.
Courtney threw her hands up in frustration.
"I can't just date a celebrity Saige, that's insane."
Saige rolled her eyes.
"First of all, he's not a celebrity, he's just a person Court. Secondly, this is LA dude. Shit happens."
"Not to me!"
"Well you have sold yourself short, plus if anything you are bigger than my brother."
Courtney looked at her dumbfounded.
"What in the world are you on about?"
"Courty, you're an up and coming director. You have crazy projects under your belt. You are super in demand. You've been on and in charge of countless sets. And also you have dated celebrities before. Or did you forget your model phase?"
Courtney cringed. Saige was referring to a brief stint, after one of her long term relationships ended, that she may or may not have brought home and slept with a slew of models.
"Hey now, I was newly out and single. I wouldn't exactly call that phase 'dating'. I was just trying to have some fun."
"And all power to you dude, but you were pulling models Court. Some you can't even talk about because of who they are. My point is, nothing is off limits to you if you both really like each other. And I definitely think you two like each other."
"If I say that I am intrigued by him, will you drop it for now and tell me about your night at Damien's?"
Saige pauses for a moment.
"Fine, deal."

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