chapter 9: oblivious boys

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After Saige dropped them off, the boys decided to clean up Shayne's place a bit and play some video games. After Damien's third consecutive Mario Kart win, Shayne threw down his controller on the couch in frustration.
"Aw buddy, didn't you miss me?"
Damien asks, his voice dripping in sass. Shayne flips him off.
"I go to all this trouble of throwing you a birthday party and this is the thanks I get?"
Damien puts his hands up in defense.
"Hey, did I not say I was grateful for what you guys did for me?"
Shayne tries to fake a frown but it backfires and he busts out laughing.
"Alright, fair, you were very appreciative of our efforts. Speaking of the other half of the party planning committee, did she keep you up all night with her snoring?"
Damien smiled to himself remembering his night spending time with Saige. However he quickly tensed up thinking about what a dumbass he was for letting himself think he had even a sliver of a chance with her. Not only because of how cool and beautiful she was but also what a horrible betrayal it would be to his best friend.
"If she snored I didn't hear it."
Damien offered, hoping to end this part of the conversation.
"Man, I don't know if I can trust that answer. You're too polite for your own good. And Saige is notoriously a bit of a bulldozer."
"She was a very well behaved guest, even by Saige standards, I promise."
"Well good, I feel bad asking you to have her over, especially when you aren't fully settled into your new place."
"Hey man, no worries. No big deal. I am sure your company wasn't unwelcome either."
Damien stated in a teasing tone.
"Hey, it really wasn't like that nothing happened I just let her stay the night."
Damien put a hand on Shayne's shoulder.
"Shayne, my guy, I've known you for years. Don't you think I already know nothing like THAT happened."
"Hey just clarifying. How would you feel if I implied something happened with you and Saige."
Damien pauses for a too long moment before replying.
Shayne squints at his best friend.
"Wait, did something actually-"
Damien immediately interjects.
"Hey woah no absolutely not. I wouldn't do that to you man. It's just..."
"Just what?"
"My couch isn't here yet. So I told Saige to take my bed and I would floor it. She refused. The only way I could get her to sleep in the actual bed was if we shared. Nothing weird happened literally just sleep. And it's a queen so plenty of our own space. It just felt weird to tell you, but also weird not to? I don't know I am rambling now. Ugh."
"Hey hey, you're good Damien. Do I love my sister sharing beds with random people? I prefer to literally NEVER think about it. But I know this is different. You guys are adults. And as much as you are my best friend, I know you and Saige are kind of best friends too. The only way this situation would upset me was if you took advantage of her, which you wouldn't. Or if you broke her heart, which you better not."
"Oof yeah no chance of those happening ever, ever, ever."
Shayne prompted Damien.
"Uh... because it would never get to that point."
"What point?"
Damien let out a deep breath and rubbed his temples.
"Are you really going to make me say this?"
Shayne crossed his arms and smirked. He may be quiet at times but he wasn't completely oblivious to how close Damien and Saige were. Especially as they got older.
"Yes, yes I am."
Damien sighed.
"Fine, that scenerio will never happen because I am never going to date Saige."
"And why is that?"
"...because we are just friends."
"Eh I don't believe you Damien."
"Uh, because she doesn't see me that way."
Shayne snorted.
"Now that's definitely not true."
Damien looked at his friend quizzically.
"Did she...say something to you or-"
Shayne interjects.
"Okay first if all, neither of you are as good at hiding things as you think you are. Secondly, I know your type and I know Saige's type. And, also this is not a choice or decision that should include me. In fact, this should include me almost as little as possible. So if you think that is some sort of issue it's not. I love you both. Like a lot. And I want you both to be happy. And if that happiness means I can spend family holiday gatherings with you and not some of the questionable partners of Saige's dating past I am very selfishly on board."
Damien's face is hot and flushed with pink. All he can manage is a quick reply.
"Thanks? I think? I appreciate that man, it means alot."
Shayne smiles and picks up his controller.
"Another round?"
"Woah woah woah you think you can make me admit some very vulnerable things and I am not gonna ask you more about the very lovely person who stayed over at your place last night?"
It is Shayne's turn for his face to get hot and flushed.

where are they now? (shourtney/damaige)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora