Chapter 44

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Bella P.O.V

We entered the schools parking lot and Ash found a perfect spot right in the front, thankfully that we didn't have to walk far. It was still pretty early and not to many kids were at school so we just stayed in the car.

"Baby" Ash breaks the silence, I hum and turn my head towards him "I kinda forgot to put this in your rules but I need you to be a big girl in your classes, do you think you can do that for me" he grabs my hand looking at me sincerely.

I bit my lip, I should be able to do it but normally it's kind of hard to suppress it. I just need my mind to be busy, if I don't think about it then I probably can "yes" I say "good girl" he smiles "if you ever have the urge to slip or need to and can't take it anymore just come to me okay, I just want you to pay attention and do good in your classes. You can always fall into your little space during nutrition and lunch but have to be a big girl when you go back to class".

I nod, thank you stuffies that I can slip during break, I don't know if I'll make it through the whole day of school without slipping if Ash is here with me "yes I can try" I tell him "good now let's go before we're late" he grabs my bag for me and we both exit the car.

He put his free hand around my waist guiding us toward the classroom. My face getting red each step, everyone was whispering and pointing to us the whole way. I didn't like the attention, I felt a little self conscious and leaned into Ash side more wanting to hide and slip from there gazes.

Ash saw me uncomfortable and looked up to glare at everyone, they turn around scared trying to start a new conversation but a few still stayed and kept glancing at us "there not looking at us no more princess" Ash whispered in my ear while caressing my hip gently.

I blushed more and stayed into his side till we got to our class "nice to see you on time today Mr.Hall" our English teacher says snarky as we walk in. He ignored her and we just walked straight to our desk "Hey guys" I greet Olivia, Mia and Jace, except Lucas he wasn't here yet.

"I see you didn't waste a second to show everyone you are together" Jace smirks gesturing to Ash hand around my waist "technically there not together yet" Olivia says sarcastically looking at Jace "cant you just let me have my moment" Everyone burst out laughing seeing Jace annoyed face.

Ash pulls me closer and back hugs me burying his head into my neck "but we will by the end of the week" he smirks at gives me a light kiss on my neck. I squeak a little from shock, he's making this so hard for me.

"Hey" Lucas comes up and sits down "wow both of you are here early this morning I should take a picture to capture this memory" Jace says getting out his phone "do you have a whole photo album of memories of us" Olivia says shocked looking at Jace's phone.

"Why does it weird you" he hides it "a little" "then no" he says and goes back to his phone and smiling to himself "he's a weird one" she whispers, I giggle. I think it's kind of cute to have pictures of us for memories, maybe one day we'll look back at it and reminisce.

"I had some stuff to do this morning" Lucas says exhausted, I could see the tiredness in his eyes and the eyes bags aren't helping either. He seems so sad, I should talk to him later and see if he's alright. I know that him and Stella aren't really doing good right now, hopefully they can get through it.

"What are you thinking about" Ash asks "nothing" I shake my head and smile, sitting down. Thankfully the bell rings and the teacher starts teaching so everyone was busy, I pull out my stuff and do my work trying to get through the day.

*Time Skip*

It's finally lunch and you know what that means, I can slip. It had been so hard this last class to not do it, I was so bored in there and had nothing to do so of course my mind will wonder. And unluckily it wondered to me thinking about eating pancakes with Ash, I know I'm weird I don't know how I will slip from that but I did.

I quickly rushed to our hang out spot on the field, I couldn't wait any longer. I exit the building to see everyone sitting down already, I'm usually the last one since my class is on the other side of the campus. I see Ash and run straight towards him, i immediately slip when I was close enough.

"Daddy" I say and crush him into a hug "Hi my little princess, How was class" I unhook myself and sat infront of him, facing him "it wa' good but was bowing, I know no one in thewe" I pout "at least you have me for the rest of your classes" oh chess balls I almost forgot "I do" I scream excitedly.

He digs into his bag "I brought you some toys because I know you'll get bored" he starts pulling out random toys "thwank you Daddy" I say happily and start playing with them "no problem baby" and kisses my head. I giggle and scoot over so I'm sitting next to him, Daddy had brought me some dollies and with cute little accessories.

I look up to see everyone was talking amongst themselves until I land my eyes on Lucas, he was staring at me with the some glint in his eyes 'Is it longing' I thought. I don't know I learned it from somewhere but he seems sad, maybe he wants to play with me. I smile.

"You wan' to pway wit me wuca" I hand him a Barbie, he looks at me thinking before replying "I would love too" he smiles and grabs it from my hand. He scoots over next to me so we can play, by the end of lunch I was laughing my bootycheeks off. Lucas kept making funny faces the whole time and was imitating the dolls.

"It's time to get to class" I hear Daddy say "no I wan' to pway wit wuca" I was having such a great time and plus he plays so good with dolls "you should listen to your Daddy little one he's right" Luca stands up "no I wan' to pway mowe" I whine "you can play more after school but right now it's class time" he says picking up all the toys and putting them in his bag.

"You pwomise" I look at him "promise" he smiles and kisses my cheek, I giggle "now you have to be a big girl now" he says putting the last toy away "okay Daddy" I say and try. Thankfully it wasn't that hard today, I can't say about the other days thought "let's go to class" he says and grabs a hold of my hand, walking together to math class.

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