Chapter 43

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Bella P.O.V

  I woke up super early today, I was too excited Ash was picking me up today and taking us both to school. I woke up 2 hours before my alarm clock was supposed to go off, I took my time to get ready and now I'm sitting here with 30 minutes of spare time.

  "He's gonna be here any minute" I tell myself, staring at the clock that was hanging on the wall impatiently "what are you doing up so early" Stella walks in and yawns, from the looks of her hair and face she just woke up "I'm waiting for Ash he's gonna take us to school today" I say giddy and smile from ear to ear.

  I see her roll her eyes "school doesn't start in another hour" she scoffs 'ANOTHER HOUR' I double check the clock to see if im looking at it right, it says 7:30. 30 minutes before the bell rings "it says 7:30 though" I point at the clock.

  "That clock doesn't work I need to fix it, it's 30 minutes ahead"she shrugs, my mouth falls open in agape , this whole time I've been waking up 30 minutes earlier then when I was supposed to "didn't you set your alarm clock up to your phone clock" she asks "no" I sigh "at least your never late" she chuckles.

  Now I have to wait even longer for Ash to get here "we'll I'm going back to sleep" she says and turns around "your just gonna leave me like that" I say astonished and kinda hurt "yep" she yells and shuts her door 'meanie' I stick my tongue out at her, hopefully she could feel how upset I am.

  "Now what should I do for the next hour" I thought, looking around the living room. I didnt feel like watching any Tv, I've been watching that a lot already. Or play with any toys, ooo maybe I should draw him a picture. I never drew before but I had colored a lot of coloring pages.

  I quickly jump up from the couch and ran to get my coloring supplies, I slipped in the process of getting the stuff. I laid everything out on the coffee table and get to work "he gonna wove it" I tell myself and smile starting to work on it.

  Singing a few Sophia the first songs and maybe some Mickey Mouse too, I finally finished it. I hold it up and smile 'I did a good job' "I hope Daddy wikes it" I say to myself "I love it baby" I jump a little and turn around to see Daddy behind me smiling down at me "DADDY" I scream and jump on him giving him a big hug.

  "Looks like someone missed me" he chuckles "mhm I mish you" I cuddle into him almost forgetting I made him a picture . I quickly unhook myself from the hug and grabbed the drawing "I made this for you" I held up the paper, he looks at it. I could see the proudness in his eyes "Thank you baby it looks really pretty, I'm going to hang this on my wall to show everyone how the artist my little girl is"

  "Weally" I say happy "mhm it should be in a museum" I giggle "no that Daddy" I shake my head, silly daddy "what" he questions "this is a work of art, Picasso" "only for you daddy" he chuckles "I feel honored baby only for me, I won't show anyone else" "mhm" and that's final.

  "Have you ate yet" he asks, I shook my head no "we have enough time till school starts want me to make you something or get it from somewhere" I put my thinking face on "mmm you make it" I point to him and giggle "okay but while we eat we're going over the rules okay" I nod.

  "I watch cartoons" I ask him "yea but make sure you don't fall asleep little one" he teases me "okay" I giggle and run to get the remote "no running" he scolds, I quickly stopped and walked. I ain't trying to get a punishment so early in the morning, NO SIRR.

  I found the remote and took my seat on the couch and flipped through the channels. I found the Dinosaur train playing, and I let out a squeal pressing it to let it play.

   15 minutes later Daddy calls me saying breakfast is ready, I jump out the couch turning off the Tv in the process and running to the table "Bella what did I say about running" Daddy scolds me again giving me a stern look "not to wun" I look down guilty "and what did you do" he says stern "I wan" he sighs.

  "Come on baby sit down I'll give you a pass since were going over the rules right now" YAY he gave me a pass, I look too the table and PANCAKES, best Daddy ever. I sit down and started to eat happily, digging into my delicious yummy, hot runny pancakes with delicious syrup running all around it, I giggle I'm silly.

  "You got to pay attention and listen okay, I'll make a copy for you to hang in your room so you won't forget" "okay Daddy" I say in between bites trying to focus on the conversation "there's a list of rules that I need you to follow and if you break one of these rules there is going to be a list of punishments I have to punish you with so you won't do it again but there is also a list of rewards when your a good girl that day that I can give you" I nod scared of what the punishments might be but also a little happy about the rewards I will be receiving.

  "If there is anything you don't like then tell me and I will take it off if it deems reasonable enough or if anything that we need to add.... Let's start with the lists of rules.
Rule # 1: Always listen to Daddy
Rule # 2: Don't ever talk bad about your self or self harm
Rule # 3: Tell Daddy if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable
Rule # 4: No talking back
Rule # 5: No bad words
Rule # 6: Bed time on week days 10 o'clock weekends 11
Rule # 7: Dont keep secrets from Daddy Rule # 8: Clean up after yourself
Rule # 9: Always tell Daddy where you go for safety reasons
Rule # 10: make sure to eat 3 meals a day Rule # 11: use your manners
Rule # 12: don't open doors for strangers and answers calls without Daddy's permission

1. Spankings
2. Time out
3. Earlier bed time
5. No Tv
6. No cuddles
7. No kisses
8. No toys
9. Wash mouth with soap
10. Write lines

I will give warnings before I give you a punishment, if you continue to do it after the warning you'll get a punishment.

1. Extra playtime
2. Later bed time
3. New stuffies
4. Shopping spree
5. Anything you want to do for the day
6. Play date
7. Amusement park

That will be all for now, if there is anything we think of along the way I'll put it in. Are you okay with it? Is there anything you don't like?" Daddy finishes. I look over the paper again and decide, there isn't really anything that I don't oblige too "I'm okay" I smile at him.

  I see the worriedness leave his face and was replaced with a smile "good are you done? we should start leaving now so we won't be late" "yea I'm done" "I'll go get your stuff baby go get on your shoes" he says and I get down and leave to get to my shoes.

  I think back on the paper, it seems relatively easy. Hopefully I don't forget any so I won't get a punishment, I don't like time out. Daddy comes in breaking me with my thoughts, I nod and stand up.

  He gets a hold of my hands and leads us outside where his car at, I frown once I saw he brought a smaller car today, I liked the truck. I liked it when Daddy picked me up and I was flying in the air, I giggle. He opened the door for me and I jump in getting situated and finding a comfy spot. He helps me buckle up then he gets in himself driving off to school.

The Bad Boy little girl Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ