A gift for grandpa!

Start from the beginning

Me: Excuse... I... I lost my little brother.

Police Officer: Where did you lose him?

Me: We were together just down the road and he told me he wanted something from the coffee shop. I know he has a sweet tooth and... and... I gave him the money to buy a hot choclate drink but he never came out of there.

Police Officer: Calm down, honey. How about we both check it out?

Me: Would you really do that for me?

Police Officer: Sure. 

I was lying soo much that it was thrilling to see the truth telling person just sipping on his coffee not reacting to it at all. Well I did use my quirk to eliminate his specifically. My goal was to get the police officers all in the front so that I could sneak to the back and get my informations.

Police Officer: Sansa could you come over here!

Sansa: NJA!

A cat like officer came over and the police officer I was talking to a moment ago told him what happened and made him go out with me. Now the thing is, I never planned on walking there. Besides that I was always wearing some stuff to knock a person down with me. So once we got out, I decided to just knock the person down with a needle that was covered in tranquilizing liquid.


Once I screamed the police officer all came down and I satrted crying and panick completly. It was the truth telling person who came to me and also lead me to the police station inside in one of their rooms used for their breaks. There was a kitchen and everything and he made some tea for me before putting it down in front of me. I made sure to never touch it and not leave any fingerprints behind.

This is all going way too easy... 

How can they not think about a small boy that might harm them!

Truth telling guy: I am detective Tsukauchi. Can you tell me what happened?

Me: *sob* He just broke down *sob*

Detective: Okay calm down, can you stay here. I will be richt back.

A police officer just came in and looked at the detective. The guy immedately left the room and I also stood up and walked to the door. Thanks to my quirk I could tell there were walking away and so I opened the door and went to the detectives office took some informations in form from paper that were laying around while also using the blind spot from the CCTV's.

Okay now I should get out!

This was way too easy!

How can they just leave a sobbing kid in a room with some tea behind?!

The only witness that can tell what happened is also responsible for it!

How nice is it to be completly fooled by a  kid?

Since I had the informations I wanted, I put it beneathe my shirt and made sure that it wouldn't fall down pretty easily and went back to the room the officer left me. Next I faked a phonecall and made my own phone go off.

Me: Yes.... I am sorry... Yeah....

While I was talking to myself I went out of the room and to the front. Again I made sure they didn't caught my face on camera and went do the detective with my phone still on my ear.

Me: Excuse me, *sob* detective!

Detective: Yes?

Me: *sob* My mom just called me telling me that *sob* my brother pulled a prank on me... 

Detective: That is good to hear. 

Me: *sob* I... I wanted to ask if there is anything *sob* you would need from me?

Detective: For now it would be best for you to go back home before they get worried. Jackob get her informations down.

Jacob: Yes, Sir!

Another police officer came to me while they had an ambulance in front of the house and they all checked the surrounding for whoever did that to Sansa.

Let's be honest!

There was no way I gave him some true informations. I lied and decided to give them the informatiosn of someone who died a week ago. This would make them sure look ridiculous! A police just got scamed and outwhited by a kid who just stole a lot of papers from them and there was no way they would find out who I was.

Jacob: Thanks for cooperating.

Me: *sob* thanks for trying to help me...

Just like that I left the scene and went to my grandpa's laier.

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