A gift for grandpa!

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Who the heck does the hero think he is?

If he didn't ask me question then I could have stayed a little bit longer and actually enjoyed my time with the other kids!


Seriously what does the hero think of himself?!

I knew that if I just ran, it would have looked very suspicious especially after the lie I just the guy. That was why I made a distraction by getting all the children's attention towards the cake and then just go. It was as simple as that since they had a kid with them too.

Once outside the orphanage I began walking away and after making sure that no one was following me, I began sprinting away. There was no telling if they were only waiting to get out and come after me after all.

This was a close one!

I wouldn't have known what to do if he somehow figured my lie out right there and then!

He would have for sure put me into an orphanage which I for sure can't handle me!

No one can handle me!

And I will make sure that it stays this way!

Now I should get going to meet grandpa!

He did tell me to come for tea after my mission is over...

I loved going over to my grandpa. He was a villain and the number one villain at it too but he was a good guy to me at least and he never threatened me at all. Since I was about to go have some tea time over, I decided to get something for him as well. He told me there was a strawberry shortcake and I was crazy for cakes. It was also the reason why my cake recipy and baking skills were top notch!

Since he had some tea and also some cake there for me, I decided the only thing I could do was get some inforamations for him. What better information could I get then the ongoing cases from a police station.

I wonder if I can just walk in and get some informations....

Grandpa would surely love the quirk information about these wnated guys...

No one will suspect if they went missing...

Well I better get these information before anyone suspects a boy walking around a police station and doing nothing.

It didn't take me long to get to a police station and I was starting to walk up and down since I didn't know what to do exactly but in the end I decided to wing it and just walk in. I was already suspicious walking up and down anyways. Might as well try my luck. Thanks to my quirk I could tell that there were not a lot of people inside there and the people inside where pretty boring expect for this one person with a truth telling quirk. I always thought these quirks were very interresting and now I was about to see the man for himself since he was in the lobby.


Should I play lost?

Maybe I lost my brother?

Could make it a dog?

Or just fake a villain attack...

Well there is this person with a truth telling quirk!

It will be interresting fooling him!


I for sure want to mess with the guy!

I went inside trying to think of something and immedaitely started acting once I saw some people. Thankfully I knew where the cameras were since it wasn't my first time to go inside and so I managed to dodge them and hide my face from it.

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