Stepping in the light

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Tigger warning - drinking ( you need to be 18 to drink in Columbia

I open my eyes again.

"Standing in the shadows..
I thought that I earned it..
Feeling invisible..
Believing.. I deserved it."
I sang as I looked at the crowd.

"I can't remember what I was waiting for...
So no more!" I sang as my pitch got higher.

People cheered and I saw Camilo, Mirabel, Delores and Sofia cheering and clapping like crazy.

"I'm climbing over walls that I've made
I'm finding my place on the stage
I'm gonna be leaving all those doubt behind."I sang as people got on the stage dancing in sync. '

I'm step, I'm stepping into the light." I sang as I turned to my parents to see that they are cheering in tears. I take a minute to start singing again.

"I'm gonna be spreading my wings
Following a path they can't see."
I sang while smiling.

"Chasing an adventure, that's all mine
I'm step, I'm stepping into the light."
I sang.

"I'm shedding the skin that I'm in,
Never hiding who I am ever again."
I sang getting ready for a high note.

"That girl you knew, she's, ready to ignite."
I sang in a high note as people started cheering.

"I'm step, I'm stepping into the light." I finished. People started cheering and clapping.

I bow and go off stage.
My parents came.

"Well done, mija!" Mama said as she hugged me.

"You did great! You get your singing from my side." Dad said.

"No, I don't think she did." Mama sang surprisingly well.

"Now, I don't know." Dad said as he patted my back.

"Y/n! That was incredible!" Sofia said running up to me and hugging me.

"What were you so worried about." She said as she stopped hugging me.

I shrugged.
Columbia started playing.

"C'mon let's dance." She said pulling my hand to the dancing crowd and we started dancing.

I feel two arms around my neck.
"I told you, you'd do great!"

I turn around to see Camilo.
"I really didn't think I would do it."

"You were very nervous, I could tell." He said.

"Duh." I said

After the party,
In casita.

"I call for a sleepover." Mirabel said as people started nodding.

"I call for a drink." I mumbled to Sofia.

"Oh, fuck yea." Sofia said fist bumping me.

"What was that y/n." Mirabel asked.

"I said, I call for a drink." I said as she looked at me with a smirk.

"I mean we are all 18 so.." Amber said.

"Yea.. we are all 18?" I said while looking at Mirabel.

"Okay let's take a vote." Mirabel said.

"Those who want a drink put your hand up.. those who don't, don't." Delores said.

Me, Amber, Sofia, Delores, Lusia put our hand up.

Camilo, Mirabel and Isabela didn't.

"Oh, c'mon you guys don't want a drink?" Sofia asked.

"Nah, I don't wanna get drunk." Camilo said as Isabela crossed her arms.

"Anyways,the two twins are gonna get us killed." She said as me and Sofia rolled our eyes.

"By having a sip of a shot?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's dangerous, but it could be fun?" Delores said.

"Fine." The three said.

"I'm only getting a shot tho, not a bottle of alcohol." I said as we go to a bar.

We all get drinks but me, Camilo, Mirabel, Lusia, Isabela and Delores are the only ones who didn't get drunk.

I looked around to see Sofia dancing liked a drunk zombie survivor.

"Sofia! Come here!" I said as she struggles to walk to me.

"Wha- what?" She asked while leaning on a counter.

"C'mon let's go." I said grabbing her hand and leaving with the rest, I look over to see Camilo carrying amber. Jealously crossed my brain and realisations that I'm a overprotective jealous bitch.

"Y/n?" Sofia asked as I glared at her as she looked annoyed.

"Yes?" I asked as she looked at me with a smirk.

"H- how come, ca- Camilo has a- a gir- girlfriend like th- that a- and not me?" She asked as a shocked expression grew on my face.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked as she went to my ear.

"I'm a lesbian and I like Amber." She said making me expression change from shocked to scared.

We get to casita and I take Sofia in a bath which she falls asleep in.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" I panicked as Delores went in.

"Hey, have some respect my sister is in here." I said as she looked at me.

" Sorry it's just that, your sister has a crush on my brother's girlfriend." She said.

"I know! I'm so fucking scared right now!" I said as she nodded.

"What are we gonna do?!" I said.

"Pretend, that nothing happened, she won't remember. I hope." She said leaving

Sofia got out of the bath and put some clothes on.

"Sofia I'm gonna get coffee for you, don't do anything." I said leaving.

I look over to see Camilo going to the kitchen too.

I get the coffee and make it as bitter as possible so she can get to her senses.

"Hey, y/n." Camilo said.

"Hi, Cami." I said as he looked confused.

"You haven't called me that in a longgg time." He said while I look at him.

"I really haven't." I said s he looked at me.

"Getting coffee for Sofia?* He asked.

"Yea, she's so drunk, I don't know what could happen." I said as he looked even more confused.

"What do you mean." He said walking to me.

"You know, she's just blabbing out secrets." I said as we both go upstairs and in Camilo's room.

"Omg!" I said in shock. "Sofia!" I shouted.

We both saw Amber and Sofia making out in Camilo's room, they pull off eachother and Sofia walks up to me.

"I'm so- sorry." She said leaving the room.

"Camilo, I-" Amber said getting interrupted.

"Get out!" Camilo shouted at her.

"I'm sorry." She said leaving.

I was about to leave but then.

"No!" Camilo said as I turn around.

"Y- you stay." He said in tears.

I open my arms and he ran up to me and hugged

"I'm so sorry, this happened.." I said as he sniffed.

"Can we please not talk about it?" He sniffed while he stopped hugging me.

"Okay.. then what do you want to talk about?" I asked him as he looked at me with tears.

".. cuddles?" He asked.

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