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There are five factions in the city of Chicago

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There are five factions in the city of Chicago. The only city left. It's consists of;

Amity- a faction of friendship, peace and harmony. This is the faction who tries to hold peace in all situations and help provide by farming for themselves and the rest of the factions. They are always happy, joyed and content.

Abnegation- a faction of selflessness and respect. They give and help others without any thought. People there are always contained, controlled and trusted. This faction is fit to lead the factions due to their selflessness.

Candor- the faction of honesty and order. They tell the truth even if it can cause hurt. They take 'honesty is the best policy' to the next extreme. You can't lie to a Candor, they detect it. They blame duplicity for humans faults.

Erudite- a faction that values the virtue of intelligence and wisdom over anything else. They live to seek knowledge and find new ways of life. They normally are found in the library or a lab. You can always learn something new from an Erudite.

Dauntless- the faction of bravery and courage. Cowardice is resented there and having fears are made for you to look weak. They are brave and stupid all in one. They do get that adrenaline rush though.

That's where Azure is at. The deciding off which out of the five factions she should pick. (At sixteen they have to choose but are allowed to take a test to help them.) She knows she won't pick Erudite, she's never been that smart. The girl also knows Candor is out of the picture, she could lie for days.

Azure's born faction is amity, she loves the place. The way the forests can be wondered and the meadows can be snuck on to at sunset.

However it's not the same since her parents died. It was a terrible accident as they where transporting some food to the abnegation. The truck had a faulty fuse. Meaning she now stayed with her friend.

Although she was a kind, joyous girl it pained her to see the faction everyday. The places she learned how to plant seeds with her father and where her mother taught her how to attend to the animals.
That and the fact she had a need for danger. Being in amity she couldn't really explore it. Therefore she stuck to climbing the trees and sneaking knifes out of the kitchen to strike apples.

She was going to pick dauntless she just hadn't excepted it yet.

An abrupt noise broke her out of her thoughts

It's was a bright day, the sun was coming up as orange and yellow hues painted the sky. Today was the day of the aptitude test.

"Azure will you please help me." The sixteen year old girl laughed at her friend but in no doubt helped him.

"Chris, how did you manage to drop a whole wheel barrow of potatoes?" The boy had slipped, fallen sideways and pulled the barrow with him.

"Hurry up we have school in half an our and the train is here in five." she huffed realising the time, though no worry was evidenced in her voice as she still wore a smile.

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