1- The first night

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The grip around jimin's neck loosen as taehyung backs away from him "you will regret it, I will make you pay for it" taehyung stood up from bed giving full view to his devilish body flexing his every muscle wearing his clothes back

"nice ass" jimin commented slipping under the boxers

"But not as good as yours" taehyung eyed him from top to bottom taking out his tongue and running it on his dry lips

Jimin grits his teeth as he swallowed hard, "fuck" he cursed slipping into the pink floral shirt, he took his phone out from his pant's pocket and called someone,

"hyunjinie can you bring me my clothes"

he talks on his phone walking towards the door as taehyung stared at him "I'll wait at the same point" he supports his phone leaning his head lower towards his shoulders as he raised both of his hands standing at the door frame flicking taehyung off with both hands with a sheepish smile plastered on his face


Jimin was standing under a tree watching a caterpillar turn into a beautiful butterfly after waiting for a long time, jimin smiles at her as It flew away spreading her colorful wings in the air

when will I get to fly?

a black jaguar stops in front of him he turns his head to look, a boy younger than jimin in his late teens stepped out of the car his straight raven hair was falling on his eyes as he brushed them back running his long fingers in them revealing his sharp eyes his plump lips curled up in a smile jogging towards jimin

"Hyung, here" he handed jimin the parcel "thank you" he ruffled his hair getting on his tiptoes because of their height difference jimin unbuttoned his pink shirt and changed into a black cotton button-up shirt pairing it with his black skinny jeans that he was already wearing

"is he home from the jog?"

Jimin asked after getting in the car his heart was beating faster against his chest

"no it's Sunday we still have some time he'll come late," hyunjin said glancing at his gold Rolex, jimin let out a sigh of relief

"But hyung.."

Hyunjin pointed at jimin's neck awkwardly "what?" Jimin asked checking himself in the rearview "fucking bastard" he cursed at the artist who painted his neck with blue and red marks, he rubbed his temples regretting his every life decision that bought him in the bed with his enemy "start the car I will change into a turtle neck"

"But you have some on your jaw too" hyunjin pointed at the more permanent mark on jimin's jaw "I will use makeup just start the fucking car hyunjin," jimin said out louder brushing his hair back

"you should be in a good mood you had a hella fun night"

Jimin snapped his head at hyunjin for his statement that burns jimin reminding him how he spent last night in his rival's arms "no I didn't have a great night he wasn't even a bit good he had a two inches uncircumcised sized saggy dick" jimin held his index finger and thumb together leaving a centimeter gap in between them

Hyunjin let out a chuckle "well the way you limped to the car says the other way" hyunjin said receiving a death glare by jimin "shut up and drive the car"

Jimin turned his head towards the window glancing out at the cherry blossoms falling from the trees it was a beautiful day but a certain someone made it the worst day of jimin's life that he'll regret to his death he shuts his eyes close inhaling the fresh air as the flashback of last night came across his head as lightning struck

"Such a good boy taking it all in" a whisper lingered over his ear as if the older was still here

Jimin shot opened his eyes flinching like he saw a ghost, he heard hyunjin asking him "are you okay?"

He nodded his head "yea just a nightmare" Hyunjin hummed in response patting his thigh "we are almost there"

Their car went in from the huge grill door then passed through the garden that looks more like a forest, hyunjin stopped the car and jimin stepped out running to his room unbuttoning his shirt's buttons

He went to the washroom and got a quick shower, he stared at the reflection of RJ, Real Jimin, he named this self as in the huge mirror on the wall of his shower area, the water running down to his body vanishing every trace of his other life

he scrubbed his body the glitter on his body started to shine on the floor leaving his body, he then washes his face, the makeup he spends hours on doing was already ruined by someone so jimin gives it a last clean

He stepped out of the shower and started getting dressed up in the attire the whole world knows him. black jeans, with a black turtle neck to hide his night's sins around his neck and an eagle pendant to show everyone where he belongs to, he brushed his hair back revealing his shiny forehead, he stared at himself in the mirror again, the pride of the Parks, he was ready to summon to the devil.


Let me know if you guys like this story :)

⚠️This story contains gore and dark theme, don't read if you aren't comfortable with, abuse, violence, deaths, killing, mental health issues, kidnapping, panic attacks.⚠️

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