Father!KakashixMotherNamekaze!Reader (🍋)

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You stood in front of your dad's desk in his office and bit your lip as you fidgeted with your clothes anxiously while he looked over your work. He smiled up at you and leaned back in his chair, resting his head on his fist.

"Well done (y/n). Also, I have someone I'd like to introduce you to. He's an acquaintance of mine and he'll be working closely with you. He'll be helping you with your work for me. It would give you a chance to take more time off to take care of your kids. They are driving your mother crazy."

You blushed and sighed, "Yea. I'm sorry about that. They're a bit rambunctious. Being a single mother sucks but it's my fault for getting pregnant in the first place."

Minato laughed and stood up, walking over to open the door. He stuck his head out and spoke for a moment before opening the door. Your eyes widened in shock as Kakashi walked in and you quickly turned as your face flushed, remembering the last time you saw him.

"(Y/n) this is- what are you doing? Turn around."

"Um.. can I talk to you for second about something important dad?"

"Yea of course."

He walked over to you and you whispered in his ear and pulled away as his eyes widened. He looked between you and Kakashi, and you nodded, biting your lip.

"Why are you just now telling me this? You've been taking care of them alone for four years, (y/n). Tell him, or I will."

You sighed quietly and turned, watching as your father walked out, slamming the door behind him. You winced at the sound as you looked up at Kakashi. His eyes widened as his gaze rested on you.

"(Y/n)? You're Minato's daughter?"

"Uh yea. Well, we need to have a talk, Kakashi."

You quickly sat down and Kakashi took the seat next to you. You bit your lip, running through the different ways to go about telling him. You could just come straight out and tell him which you knew at this point would probably be the best option. You sighed quietly and pulled out your phone, pulling up a picture of the twins before handing him the phone.

"They're yours. Ours."

"How old are they?"

"Four. They're twins so they'll both be turning five soon. Do you want to meet them? I understand if you don't want to. I am just dropping this on you out of no where. So I-"

"Yes. They're my kids. They should know who I am."

You nodded, taking the phone back to call your mom. You bit your lip as the phone rang and sighed in relief as your mom answered in a cheery voice.

"Hey sweetheart! Is everything okay?"

"Yea. Can you bring the kids by the office. I need to introduce them to someone."

"Yea of course sweetheart."


Your mom walked in with your dad, each of them holding one of the twins. They squealed when they saw you as your parents sat them down and they ran over to you as you stood up, kneeling down. They immediately tackled you and giggled as you caught them, laughing.


"Hey babies. Were you good for grandma today?"

"Yea. She took us for pizza and then ice cream for lunch!"

"Well boys, do remember the talk we had about daddy?"

"Yea. Is he ever going to come see us momma?"

"Yea mommy I want to meet daddy!"

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