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"Hey babe, I'm going to go out for a bit. I'll be home in time to cook dinner!"

"Alright sweetheart, come here. I want a goodbye kiss first."

You giggled, walking over to your fiancee, Naruto. He grinned, rubbing his nose against yours gently before kissing you. You smiled against his lips before kissing back. Once he pulled away you grinned, placing a kiss on his forehead. A soft sigh left your lips as you pulled away and made your way to the door. You had a feeling something weird was going on between Naruto and Hinata so you had set up hidden cameras throughout the house.

You walked outside after grabbing your phone and keys. You were super excited as you started the car and buckled, beginning your journey to the airport. Your best friend since birth Sasuke Uchiha was finally back home and he had asked that you pick him up so he could surprise Naruto. You were excited because it had been two years since you and Naruto had seen Sasuke. And you knew Naruto would flip when you brought Sasuke home.

You finally made it and pulled into the the parking lot, stepping out of the car. You made your way inside as your phone rang. You looked at it and immediately answered when you saw Sasuke's name pop up.


"Hey (y/n). I finally landed you ca-"

"I'm already here. Oh I think I see you. Hold on a sec!"

You hung up and grinned as you ran over to him. He immediately pulled you into a hug and you grinned, hugging him back. You sighed in relief, happy to finally be able to hug your best friend again. You pulled away and grabbed one of his bags and threw it over your shoulder, grabbing his hand. The two of you began talking as you made your way to your car.

"So. How have you and Naruto been?"

"We're good I guess."

"What's wrong?"

You sighed as you opened the trunk, putting his bags in the car for him. You knew you needed to tell someone but you weren't sure if that person should be Sasuke. He's always been overprotective of you. But he was also Naruto's best friend so maybe you should. You sighed, getting in the car, buckling up.

"You remember how Hinata and Naruto broke things off but stayed friends?"

Sasuke got into the car and buckled, looking over at you, "Yea, why?"

"Maybe I'm being paranoid but she's been coming to see him a lot lately and I'm having a bad feeling about it."


"Sasuke, I think Naruto is cheating on me."

You glanced at your engagement ring and sighed, laying your head against the steering wheel. You were scared. Scared that you were right. But as of right now you had no proof. Hence the reason you set up hidden cameras. Sasuke sighed, rubbing your back.

"I set up hidden cameras, Sasuke. That's how paranoid I am. I feel horrible for it but I have to know what they're doing. It's been eating me alive. Sometimes I regret saying yes when he proposed. He's also been acting really weird. You know that nervous laugh he has?"

"Yea, why?"

"Well every time I ask him why Hinata has been coming around so much he gets all nervous and laughs like that. Then he immediately changes the subject or says something along the line of, 'oh we're just hanging out.' I don't like it, at all. I can tell his evading the truth."

You cranked the car, beginning to make your drive home. It was silent until your phone notified you there was movement on the camera in the bedroom. You sighed quietly and handed Sasuke your phone.

Naruto One Shots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora