ItachixReader (EDITED)

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In this oneshot, its set in a Naruto AU where everyone is still alive. Enjoy!


(y/n) sighed and rolled out of bed to get ready for the day. Today was her first day with her new team. She was excited to be a member of the Anbu that worked directly beneath the fourth hokage. He was a kind and caring man that she looked up to. He treats her as a daughter which makes her very happy. She has known him since the day she was born. He was there with her mother. She had lost her father before she was born due to complications of the heart and then her mother when she was six, due to war.

Her father was an Uchiha but her  mother was a (l/n). Though, thanks to her mother, she didn't look anything like an Uchiha. They had kept the fact that she was an Uchiha hidden. She finally awakened her Sharingan and trained herself with it. (y/n) had heard that she was getting a new team today. Supposedly two really badass Uchiha's and another guy. But she was excited nonetheless. She quickly got dressed, not wanting to be late and ate breakfast quickly before heading out.

"Bye mom and dad. Love you guys!"

Her voice rang through the empty apartment before she opened the door, locking it behind herself before heading out. She quickly made her way to the Hokage office, bumping into a certain blonde haired boy. He smiled apologetically.

"Hey (y/n). Sorry about that. I was lost in thought. Heh."

"It's fine Naruto. I'm just on my way to see your dad."

"Oh yea? Well I'll walk with ya if you want."

"Yea cool."

They walked in silence to the office and Naruto threw the doors open, causing (y/n) to facepalm at his lack of respect. A long sigh left her lips as she apologized.

"Sorry lord fourth. I keep trying to tell him he can't just barge in because you're his dad. Jeez Naruto. He's the fourth hokage, show some respect."

"It's fine. Are you ready to meet your new team?"

(y/n)'s eyes lit up in happiness as she grinned, "Absolutely sir! I'm excited to be team captain but I'm pretty young so I hope they don't think I have a big ego or anything. Heh."

"Of course. Naruto, would you mind opening the door?"

"Gotcha dad!"

(y/n) watched as three boys walked into the room and her eyes widened in surprise. She immediately knew who the Uchiha's were. It was Shisui and Itachi. And the other was Kakashi. Shisui's eyes lit up as his gaze fell on her before he ran over and picked her up, spinning her around.


"Shisui you dork, put me down!"

(Y/n) giggled as Shisui set her back on her feet. She was dizzy as hell so she sat down and closed her eyes, feeling the others watching her.

"Ah, (y/n) are you alright?"

"Yea just really dizzy. Ugh."

She quickly got back up and steadied herself, turning to face the others. She quickly introduced herself and the others did too.

"Um so basically, I'm team captain and this is my first time being one so you'll just have to bear with me until I get thing hang of things. Heh."

"Alright guys. I'd like for the four of you to to get to know one another. Your first mission will be tomorrow morning. Protection detail. I'll explain more about the mission in the morning. You are all dismissed. Oh and (y/n). Would you mind running these papers to Kushina for me? She'll know what they're for."

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