He shrugged his shoulders with a smirk on his face that I wanted to wipe off right now. But it was far too early in the morning to fight with him, I let it slide for now. We ate to our fill, and headed back up just to hang out for a bit. And by hanging out I mean making him help me pick out an outfit.

"You can wear this." He said handing me the hoodie he had given me. "And whatever that's all." He beamed.

"I'm not wearing a hoodie to my first ever Grand Prix from your garage." I frowned.

"But it's my hoodie."

"You can wear it, I want to look good." I continued looking at the clothes I had.

"You could wear a potato sack and you'd still be the most beautiful person present there." He hugged me from behind.

"You're so corny." I laughed.

"That's it!" He said suddenly letting go of me to dig through the pile of clothes. He put together the most business casual look I'd ever seen- almost similar to what I wore while meeting directors and producers at their office. When I laughed he looked deeply offended, he decided he wasn't going to help me at all.

"No no no I'm sorry." I consoled him, "Have at it, I won't complain pick whatever you want."

"Well, you have no choice. You will support Ferrari." He said handing a red blouse to me. He finally handed an outfit to me, and I didn't hate it.

I put it on and we were ready to go, the drive was fun but when we entered the parking a strange nervousness took over me. I saw cameras pointing to us, it reminded me a little bit of Cannes- he was so relaxed and fine, on the other hand I was an awkward mess.

"What happened? What's wrong?" He asked taking my hand as we walked towards the paddock.

"Cameras." I said, "not a fan of being in front of them, love being behind them."

"Pretend like they're not even there." He beamed.

Five minutes in, he was already being asked for autographs and selfies. I got a few smiles, a few sneers and heard a lot of whispers. Lots of which I kind of hoped I hadn't heard.

While we continued walking towards the hospitality unit, I was greeted with a look of surprise by a lot of the drivers they were polite but just a little confused. And then we ran into Pierre and I got upset.

"Wait so you're seeing her now?" He asked with his brows raised.

"Yeah." Charles smiled.

They both waved goodbye to me and walked in the other direction, both of them were discussing something in French but it was rapid I couldn't pick up a lot. From what I could make out, it seemed that Pierre was asking him why he never told him.

My mind started overthinking about it and it put me on the verge of bursting into tears, I continued walking to the unit, found a spot in the corner and sit down to calm myself down.

Was he embarrassed of me? Did anyone apart from his brothers even know we were seeing each other? Why wouldn't he tell the person I thought was his good friend?

"There you are!" His familiar voice filled my ears, in this moment they made me feel anything but warmth. "Why are you sitting there all by yourself?"

"I'm not feeling so good." I said, technically I wasn't lying. He came closer to have better look at me, asking if I felt uneasy, maybe the heat was too much for me to bear.

"Is it fine if I just watch your race from here? I don't think coming into the garage is a good idea, I'm a little squeamish." I lied through my teeth, but I guess my face had really lost all its colour he believed it.

"Yes of course, whatever makes you feel comfortable." He smiled, "there's next week too!"

"You better not have gotten your girlfriend pregnant at the beginning of the season!" I heard someone laugh.

Now. That was a fear I didn't want to think about. He looked a little confused but shot the person a silly look before walking away.

Halfway through the race I was just so drained, I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be around so many people, my mind wasn't staying quiet and I was just uncomfortable. I spotted Silvia walking back from the garage for a quick breather, pulled her aside to tell her I needed to get back to my room, I was definitely sick.

"Don't worry! I've got you covered," she smiled before calling for someone, "Claudio, will you be kind and drop her off to the hotel?"

"Yes of course." Claudio smiled.

I did not want this day to go like this, in my mind it was supposed to be so much better. Not get off to a shaky start followed by a pregnancy scare. I wanted to watch him do what he was passionate about, support him just like he had been rooting for me all this while but why did it have to be like this?

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