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Two days of relaxing later, I was finally feeling like I had energy again. This time around I didn't even have time to kill at Baba's shop, she had decided to take a break from running it.

Inventory was low and she her team had to go on one of those curator trips to get things. Now that it was holiday season, she let them take time off and she too wanted to just sit back.

She didn't really need to run the store, she only did it because it reminded her of my grandad and the fun they would have in finding antiques.

On day one, I headed out to go meet Giada and Charlotte over lunch. We really wanted Matteo to come too, but holiday season meant business would be at an all time high for him. It was strange how he had to compromise on fun time with his loved ones so other people could have a good time with their family and friends. But he knew that and loved his food, so it made the sacrifice worth it.

"How are my ladies doing?" I asked them.

"People really like buying property around the holidays. I'm tired but really happy with how fast sales are going!" Giada beamed.

"Exams before the holidays stressed me out, but we're done with that!" Charlotte cheered. "How are you doing? How was the shoot? Tell us everything!"

I spent the next hour talking their ears off about shooting and all the fun I had, they patiently heard me and even asked questions. Their enthusiasm was so sweet, gosh I had missed them.

Lunch turned into wandering around and it felt like the hours disappeared, I got home just in time for dinner. Yet again, I talked off everyone's ear about how I had spent my day. Kenji was obviously tired from his day of work and just kept nodding to whatever I was saying.

"I have something to ask you both." He interrupted suddenly.

"Tell us." Baba answered.

"One of my coworkers Laura, can we host her for Christmas? She's living here, miles away from her family I thought it would be nice to invite her."

"Is that even a question? Of course she can join us!" She smiled, "You tell her to come, we'll have a good time together."

"Are you alright with that?" He looked at me.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'd love to meet someone that has to tolerate you for 8 hours a day." I snickered.

He gave me a stink eye and got back to eating, I couldn't help but think what his colleague was like. Lucky for me I've never really had to miss family, they were always right there. I couldn't imagine what being so far away from any sense of comfort in an unfamiliar environment would feel like.

We cleaned up after dinner and sat down to watch some TV for a while, eventually everyone got tired and said their good nights. I laid in bed for a while, my mind wasn't just shutting down. It kept throwing great ideas for the plot while I was trying to sleep, but at the same time I didn't want to lose them.

I gave in, I switched on my laptop and typed them all in. My phone lit up, thank God it was on silent or I would have woken up the whole house. Who else would it be other than Charles.

Charles: Are you awake?

You: oh gosh please no. You're one of those guys

Charles: ??

You: you know what I'm talking about 🙄

Charles: The real question is why are you awake? Get your eight hours of sleep!

You: why are YOU awake?

Charles: I'm off duty I can sleep for 3 hours or 30 no one can scold me

𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜Where stories live. Discover now