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Days flew by, it was already the last day of shooting. I was so happy that everyone's hard work had finally completed a crucial part of the work. But at the same time I was quite sad that it was already time to say goodbye to some of the best people I had ever met. I genuinely hoped to work with them again in the future.

After wrapping up shooting, all of us took pictures and went out for celebratory dinner. We had a good time, Yuki decided to join us over a video call and the team was more than glad to see him. Having him on set was still the highlight of our whole process, he was just incredibly funny and made the whole process entertaining.

We reminisced about the time he was around, the pranks he pulled on our poor director and the laugh all of us had from them.

And just like that it was the end of a chapter. That was until next time, where I concluded season three with what I thought was right.

I came back home, tired and maybe just a little tipsy. But I was so happy, the same euphoric kind of happiness I felt back in Monaco when I hung out with Teo and Gigi for the first time in years.

I was so glad I was going to see them soon, but before that I had dinner with my professor and her husband, thanks to whom all of this was possible. And I also had to show Katsumi what I had written so far for the movie idea.

I washed up and chugged a big glass of water, I wasn't sleepy just yet so the next best thing to do was kill some time on my phone. But what could I possibly do? For some strange reason my brain kept telling me to write back to Charles. But what?

I open his name on messages and just stare at the blank bubble waiting for me to type something in. My fingers do the funny dance over the keyboard trying figure out what to type. Maybe just a simple thank you?

Just when I'm about to put my phone down, a notification pops up with his name.

Charles: A little birdie told me that today was the last day of shooting for your show. Congratulations Emiko!!🎉🎉

You: thank you!

Charles: That was quick! Shit. I wasn't expecting you to answer so soon I don't know what to say now😬

You: I've been meaning to thank you for the gifts, they're all so thoughtful! Thank you :)

Charles: I'm glad you like them which one did you like best?

I stared at the question for a while, now this was the perfect time for me to be gutsy. But then I would regret it wouldn't I? And then I argue with myself again, I wouldn't be here if I had been gutsy many summers ago.

You: The hoodie

I literally tossed my phone aside and fell into bed. I didn't want to see what he had to say, maybe he thought I was really lame, or he was going to be creeped out. Well done Emiko! Great work!

Somehow I woke up the next morning and the world hasn't come to an end. I could see his name pop up in the notifications on my phone, I decided against checking what he has to say.

I was hungry and needed to eat first, after a filling breakfast I open my laptop and start typing, I still need to add some finishing touches to the basic plot line of the story. Again I had a start, a climax and no conclusion, this was making me really frustrated.

Why can't my brain just come up with a good conclusion? Why does it run on tangents and end up getting more lost than ever? I caved, I got my phone and opened his messages.

Charles: I'm relieved you do 😁

Charles: I'll be honest, I was so scared about how you'd react to seeing the final gift. I couldn't be more glad it's your favourite :)

Charles: Now that we've established that you're obsessed with me, I've got a season finale in a few days too, will you watch it?

I let out a little chuckle, he was so full of himself in the funniest way possible. I couldn't believe I missed out on this, it would have been so entertaining to be around him when he was growing into who he is today.

I didn't know how to respond, I'll get back to him later. Right now I needed to the further the plot of this movie, I got to typing and time flew by.

The whole morning had gone by in work, I showered and headed to Katsumi's office. I wanted to show her what I had come up with so far, I waited in the reception room while she was dealing with some of her other clients.

Katsumi welcomed me with a big smile, we sat down ans just discussed the project we had worked on so far. She filled me in about how the initial promotion was going, turns out we didn't need to have such a big marketing campaign budget when Yuki couldn't seem to stop tweeting about it.

I kept in mind to thank him for the good word he was putting out there for the show. I showed her what I had come up with so far, I watched her read the synopsis I had written.

The story follows two young teenagers exploring new territory. The idea of love that goes beyond just being platonic.

We see the world through the lens of a coy but headstrong young girl, as she realises her feelings for an awkwardly charming boy in her class.

Years pass, words remain unsaid. A strange friendship remains, are the feelings unrequited or not? Will she ever know?

She glanced at me, "this. This is good!"

"Thank you." I said, "I've got the characters ready, I have everything but a conclusion in place."

"You're going to Monaco again, have fun and let your creativity run free! I'm sure the conclusion will just come together." She reassured me.

I thanked her and decided to head to my parents house, I knew both of them would be at work. It was my grandad that I wanted to meet. I know he's probably cooking up a feast for himself, he wouldn't mind if I joined him.

I was immediately put to duty, he instructed me on what to cut and how to cut while he took care of the cooking. We cooked some delicious food and sat down to enjoy our feast. He told me about how he told all his friends that he had been to a show shooting, they all found that fascinating and couldn't wait to see my show.

I thanked him for sharing that with his friends and told him I was very glad that the experience meant so much to him. We had a good meal, watched some TV and it was time for me to head back home, I needed to freshen up before heading out for dinner with my professor.

When I was getting dressed, I remembered I still hadn't replied to charles. I didn't meant to air him! I quickly got dressed and decided to answer his text, even if it wasn't a witty reply.

You: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to ignore your texts

You: I'll watch your season finale on TV, I don't understand the rules of racing that well though

Almost instantly, he was online to read what I had to say.

Charles: it's pretty simple, you drive the fastest- you win!

You: okay, if I get confused mid race who am I supposed to irritate with my questions?

Charles: if you wait for another 30 minutes after the race, I'll answer every question you have :)

You: Well aren't you the sweetest?

And just like that a silly new habit of mine had started. We texted each other whenever we could, my day felt a little bit better than the other when I talked to him.

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