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A good race later we headed back to the hotel, ready to go out and have fun. I don't know about how much fun I was going to be able to have because Pierre was behaving strange again. I thought we had straightened things out between us but he was literally trying to avoid me.

I didn't mind, I had Kenji and Yuki with me, even if they were probably going to be dorks about some strange common interest, at least they wouldn't randomly behave weird (weirdness was their perpetual state so it didn't bother me as much). Yet again, I got all dolled up and waited for the boys, once they were ready we headed to the club.

Yuki told me that a couple of the other drivers were probably going to be partying here too, he wanted me to meet all of them. We entered the club, right off the bat I felt like my social battery was going to be beyond drained this evening. And I definitely didn't want to be drunk, that made the situation all the more uncomfortable, this very western-techno club with tons of people completely hammered was packed with people on the dance floor.

I found myself a little spot and took a seat, Kenji headed off to get drinks for everyone with Yuki. A few minutes later Pierre and some of his friends were here, one particular good friend couldn't seem to take his eyes off of me. I made eye contact with him and stared until I felt like I had made him just as uncomfortable.

But that was a difficult thing to do, his eyes were so dreamy, I meant to make him feel uncomfortable not get lost in them. Fuck being sober, I needed something in my system. "I'm going to get a drink, can you please hold my bag-"

"I'll come with you." Both of them said at the same time.

They glared at each other, neither of them looked like he was going to back down. They could bicker all they want, I walked away to get my drink, they were literally the reason I needed them in the first place.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked me.

"Something strong? Something to get a nice warm buzz." I answered.

"Nervous for a date or something?" She asked gathering cups and different bottles of alcohol and syrup.

"The opposite." I sighed taking a seat on the chair by the bar.

I watched her work her magic and slide a pretty cocktail towards me, I thanked her and took a sip. I could definitely feel the vodka burn my throat as it went down. It tasted good, and I couldn't wait for it to kick in, I really needed it. I downed it and asked for another one.

I stood up and tried to make my way back to the booth where I left those guys by themselves. My low tolerance for alcohol was going to get the better of me, I knew that. But how quick? That was something I was not going to know until it happened.

I found the spot we had made our territory when she entered the club, leaving those two behind pretty much the whole group had gone off to the floor to dance. It was so weird, I didn't want to sit there right now, I spotted my brother in the crowd, dancing with Yuki has both of them yelled the lyrics to Stay with me.

I made my way to them, the lights and noise was so dissociating, but it was strangely fun. Both of them noticed me and pulled me in, we danced in an awkward circle until it grew as more people joined and I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

Neither of them could hear me over the music, but the more I stood around here the weirder I felt. I walked away from the crowd, I saw the booths. But the whole room felt like it was floating, my legs felt heavy.

Things went black after that, when my eyes opened I realised I was being carried. Who was carrying me and was my head pressed against their chest? I could hear their heart beat so fast, they smelled nice though I wouldn't mind burying my face in. And then I noticed the watch on the wrist. Was leaping out of his arms a rational response?

I looked up at his face, his eyebrows were furrowed, his jaw was clenched. I couldn't tell if he was worried or was I just heavy, he looked down at me and instead of asking him to let me down my first instinct was to shut my eyes again.

"Charles..." I managed to sputter, "you can let me down." I looked at him.

"Are you sure? Are you feeling fine?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"That's a relief." He sighed, setting me down.

I wobbled the minute I let go of his hand, almost instantly he grabbed hold of me again. "How about I drop you off to your hotel?"

"I'll manage." I asserted.

"Emiko." He breathed.

ARGH WHY DID HE HAVE TO SAY MY NAME LIKE THAT?? I asked him what he had to say, trying my best not to lose composure. He said that I wasn't even able to walk properly, which wasn't a lie. He couldn't find my brother or Yuki, he wasn't going to let me go all by myself.

"But I'm so tired and sleepy." I whined, I really was. My feet hurt, my head was throbbing and I was wobbling around.

"My hotel is five minutes away, you can lie down in my room for a bit. I'll wake you up when I find any of them. Does that sound good?"

His room. Yet again I could hear literal screams in the inside of my head, but I was exhausted. I nodded and asked him to lead the way. The place was just five minutes away but I was able to drift a sleep in his car.

We got to his hotel, even fancier than the one I was staying at. I still couldn't wrap my head around how things could get even more plush and luxurious. The lights were so ambient, everything was so-so nice. I kept tripping over my own feet, I gave in and held onto his arm.

"Your arms are so muscle-y." I mumbled, holding on tighter.

"Thank you. I exercise only so that you would call them muscle-y one day." He laughed.

"You still laugh like that. Cute."

He led me into his room, apologising for the mess. When it should have been me, apologising for literally breaking into his personal space because I couldn't hold alcohol well.

You know when you suddenly realise you're wearing clothes and your body gets all itchy? That's what happened to me, suddenly every sequin on the dress felt like it was biting into my skin.

"Do you want to change into something more comfortable?" He asked.

I nodded, but I didn't really have spare clothes to change into. He dug through his suitcase and handed me one of his night shirts, I'll let you borrow it he beamed. I thanked him and walked into the bathroom, when I pulled the shirt over my head. Oh my god. It smelled just like him, why did all his clothes smell like his perfume, standing around and sniffing a shirt was weird wasn't it?

By the time I had washed my face and was ready to crash for a bit, he was gone. Though he did leave me a glass of water and a little note by my phone.

Drink up! Sleep well :) if you need anything just give me a call.

He wrote his phone number on the piece of paper too, I looked at his handwriting for a while. It was such elaborate cursive and it looked so pretty, I was going to hold onto this for a bit.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep, what were the others up to and where did he go? Those were the least of my worries, it's almost as if they melted into the fluffy pillow below my head.

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