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I was able to avoid awkward run-ins all through the days, I took shelter in the nice room from my reality. That was until Saturday evening, Yuki insisted Kenji and I joined the team for dinner. Qualifying session had gone well and while there would definitely be no wild behaviour it was going to be unbearable for me.

The least I could do for Yuki was show up to this dinner with a fake smile plastered on my face, Kenji told me like eight times I could fake being sick and he'd play along. But that was just rude and dishonest, a little bit of discomfort just to make sure the one person that helped me through a rough patch was justified.

I'd be a fool if I hadn't learnt from Rom coms, if he's been a fool, be sure to make him at least regret it. And with that in mind I put on the dress I had been saving for something more formal. But this occasion felt good enough to put it on, do my hair and wear a red lip.

A while later I heard knocks on my door, Yuki and Ken were ready to head for dinner and were waiting for me. You take so long, Kenji whined. I yelled I was almost ready and would be out in a bit.

"You look lovely Emiko!" Yuki beamed.

"Why are you dressed like you're going to court to divorce your rich husband?" Kenji frowned.

I saw Yuki give him a gentle jab in the sides, I couldn't help but laugh. Both of them had really gotten along well, we made our way to dinner, a lot people were yet to come. Yuki introduced me to the people on his team, the men and women that worked really hard behind the scenes.

We took our seats and waited for the others, Yuki and Kenji had abandoned me to sit together and discuss more in depth about some video game about shooting people.

I was talking to Cynthia, one of the media reps when a familiar laugh rung in my ears. I looked to the direction it was coming from, and it felt like the room had gone quiet. My eyes met his and almost instantly, he wasn't laughing or smiling anymore.

I looked away and continued talking to Cynthia, that didn't stop him from sliding into the chair next to me. I could feel his gaze on the back of my head.

"It's good to see you again." He whispered.

"Likewise." I awkwardly nodded before looking away again.

"What's going on over there?" Franz laughed.

"What-um uh-" Pierre looked at him completely flustered, "I was asking if she was fine. Comfortable. All good Emiko?" He looked at me with a smile.

Now, I can't deny he had one of the sweetest smiles I had ever seen. But at the same time there were literal sirens going off in my head, we had ended things on not so good terms. I simply nodded and continued eating and listening to others talk.

After dinner, people started leaving. Everyone was exhausted and getting ready to call it a day, I thanked them for all the fun this evening had been and got up to leave, Kenji did the same. I felt Pierre's arm slightly brush against mine, I looked down at him in confusion.

"Can we talk? Please?"

I nodded, but I told him I was tired, we could talk on the way back to our rooms. He agreed and stood up too, we walked out of the restaurant, a short walk back to the hotel and then he started.

"First of all, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have behaved the way I did."

"Pierre, you misled me. That hurt me."

"I'm sorry for misleading you Emiko, that was wrong of me. I really am sorry." He stopped to look at me. He meant it.

I simply nodded, to let him know that I did accept his apology. But in my head I set some very clear ground rules, I was not going to be falling for his charm again. Everything was going to be strictly platonic, and I would unblock his phone number depending on how this weekend goes by.

We spent some time in the lounge catching up on what we had been up to, I told him about how Yuki was going to be on set for shooting season two in just a couple of weeks. He remarked that it sounded very fun and he had always wanted to see what the whole filming process looked like.

"You're most welcome to join us." I smiled, "that's if you're willing to come to Japan."

"I'll be holding you to that! You'll se me randomly show up to set with Yuki one day." He laughed.

We continued talking, I looked at my watch I insisted that he get back to his room. I didn't want to be held responsible if he performed poorly because he didn't get his eight hours of sleep.

"Before I head in," he leaned on the door, "how are you coming to the track tomorrow?"

"Yuki is taking Ken and I to the track."

"He's going to have so many people cramped in that car of his, on the other hand there's me! Come with me! You'll have enough leg room and great conversation."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure! It's literally just me Pyry and probably Cynthia or Jackie." He answered deep in thought.

"Sounds good!" I beamed, "Good night Pierre, see you tomorrow." I walked off to my room.


We left for the track at around 10, as Pierre had said we were a total of four people travelling to the track. While Yuki's car wasn't exactly full but we would have been five people in the car, which would have been a little cramped considering it was four full grown dudes.

What I wasn't expecting as soon as we pulled into the parking lot was a barrage of photographers, Pierre opened the door for Cynthia and me. We thanked him and started walking.

"Wait for me!" Pyry yelled joining us.

"Yeah just leave me behind." Pierre stood with his hands on his hips.

I laughed and waited for him to catch up with the three of us, Cynthia and Pyry hurried off they had things to set up and sort out. I walked with Pierre as he explained to me what tent/ structure was what.

I tried really hard to ignore the photographers but the sound of the clicks was just hard to miss, I felt so conscious. But then I realised, they were all here for him. Who was even looking at me? I continued being my awkward self.

"And the red structure-"

"Hmmm, giant horse, red. Wonder what team that is?" I said sarcastically.

It made him laugh, we continued the walk to Alpha Tauri's unit until I heard someone yell his name. We turned around and I wished that I hadn't made eye contact with him. The smile on his face fell too when our eyes met, Pierre continued smiling at him, it's as if he couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

"This is my friend Charles." He introduced him to me.

"We've met." He said plainly.

"It's a small world!" Pierre laughed.

"I'm going to steal your little boyfriend for a minute. Excuse me." Charles said taking Pierre by the arm and escorting him away.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I yelled, but what was the point? Both of them were out of earshot already.

I wasn't so sure what to do, I didn't even understand where to go. There were so many people and so much bustle, luckily I spotted one of the people from Kenji's band of drinking friends. I made eye contact with Penny who instantly gave me a big smile and waved her arm frantically.

"How are you doing today?" She beamed.

"Good! Thanks, what are you up to?" I asked.

"Reviewing some of the footage we got of Yuki, I think we need LOTS more." She laughed.

"I'm headed to his garage, but I don't know where it is." I admitted.

"I'll walk you! Let's go!"

𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin