Chapter 23: Understudy

Start from the beginning

You were awake a few seconds later, with Spencer quickly helping you to your feet as your head was spinning and your vision was blurry, you even let out several groans from the pain you were in. You kept saying you were okay but there was no doubt in your mind that the only reason you weren't dead or suffering from intense head trauma was thanks to your healing factor. You actually had more than a little trouble staying upright, with Spencer deciding to just pick you up bridal-style and carry you over to a nearby chair, having you sit down until the nurse arrived. Meanwhile, the Drama Teacher was tearing Cody a new one, as his behaviour was unacceptable, within less than a minute he was kicked out of the Musical and threatened with being expelled. This upset him even more and Cody ended up punching a hole in the wall before running off with several people going after him, but it was no use as he was too fast, soon disappearing without a trace.  

Rehearsals ended early that day, obviously, and you were taken home, at least they tried to but seeing as Loki usually escorted you and with no Avengers alert today you knew he'd be outside waiting. It was kind of stressful, lying to the teacher, saying you got a "text" from your boyfriend, saying he was here without letting them see your phone and leaving alone, but they walked you out anyway. You called out to Loki using a particular phrase to indicate you weren't alone and he came out from the regular spot in more casual mortal clothes and sunglasses walking over meeting you halfway. Your Drama Teacher spoke up right away, introducing themselves and explaining the situation, that you were injured by another student during the rehearsals and needed to be taken home, before telling you to get plenty of rest and to go to the hospital if your headache got worse. "Mx.Jenson, I'll be fine, my boo takes very good care of me", you say with a smile, taking Loki's hand and not letting go so he didn't explode as knowing him, he was about to lose it, demand to know who did it and hunt them down for hurting you. 

Loki was not happy finding out that it was Cody who hurt you but even more than that, learning that you weren't his intended target and that you jumped in to protect another student. "It's not like I thought about it, Cody took a swing and I just jumped in front, I just did it okay, without really thinking about it... and I'm glad I did Loki, even though it hurt, as Spencer is a really nice guy and my friend, it would suck to lose him," you said before explaining that if you didn't step in and Spencer got hit instead, he'd probably be dead. Loki knew deep down that you did the right thing by saving this Spencer person but didn't like you getting hurt and remained grumpy, protective, and clingy all evening. He even insisted that you didn't go to school tomorrow to keep your cover, and although you didn't like the idea of skipping school for no reason you ended up going through with it. But Loki's behaviour got even worse after you got home, as soon as you were done saying hi to Lily he picked you up and made you lay down, even though you kept saying you were fine, finding it incredibly annoying but also really sweet.  

What was not sweet was all of the attention you got the following days at school, it spread like wildfire that you saved Spencer, with most of the students saying how amazing and brave you were. I mean it would have made sense for Spencer to thank you and perhaps get you a little something, but on Wednesday when you showed up to rehearsals he presented you with a giant thank you basket his mother put together. He wasn't the only one though, as several other students got you flowers and the like, even the Principal, who was no longer Agent Coulson, got you something, but it was more to show the other students what happens when you do a good deed. You ended up giving one of the larger bouquets to MJ and she jokingly asked if you guys were going steady now, and you let out a groan as you pushed her away. She ended up helping you give some of the flowers away to your fellow heroes, and although you felt bad about it, you didn't own enough vases to accommodate all the flowers. 

Everything seemed to die down until you got a special package on Friday from Cody, he didn't give it to you himself, but that wasn't the weird part, the fact that it was delivered to your house was. You didn't remember telling him where you lived, and you thought about it for a while but you must have told him at some point, otherwise, how would he know how to send it here. You signed for the large box, thanking the delivery man before closing the door and taking it downstairs to the kitchen where Loki was waiting for you, asking if your mother ordered something again. "No, it's an apology gift... from Cody..." you hesitated, and at the mention of his name the God of Mischief's mood soured immediately, with him insisting you throw it out at that very moment. He got mad as you didn't want to throw it away, and it became a bit of an argument, well more so Loki raising his voice at you while you just stood there, not saying anything at all. He let out an angry huff, recognizing he might have gone too far, as you looked like you might cry, so he ask why you'd want it after Cody hurt you the way he did, but it took you a moment to get your thoughts together and respond. "It just feels wrong to throw it out, I feel bad enough already giving away all of the bouquets I got from the students at school..." you say, turning away, feeling rather gloomy about it. "You're too sweet and naive for this world my dear", Loki whispered, insisting that your kind heart was going to get you hurt, but you just rolled your eyes, telling Loki he was being a little paranoid, "Cody's my friend Loki, he wouldn't hurt me on purpose, it was an accident and he's trying to make up for it, he probably sent something to Spencer too". Loki came closer, wrapping his arms around you, placing a kiss on your head before saying, "if it's a teddy bear I'm throwing it out" with you soon replying, "no, you won't... if it's a teddy bear I'll donate it to the Children's hospital". 

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