Chapter 29: Snowstorm

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Cody came down upon Thor, the Asgardian nearly buckling under the sheer strength of this villain, but with a joint energy blast attack from Iron Man's Unibeam and Loki's sceptre, they managed to knock him back for a time. That time wasn't very long, as within a few seconds Cody was back on the attack, taking a leap towards Iron Man but he was knocked off course by a certain old Soldier's shield hitting him in the face. It didn't send him flying in a whole other direction or anything but it was just enough to allow Iron Man to narrowly dodge being grabbed and crushed, and with the arrival of the other Avengers, including the Hulk, a win seemed to be all but guaranteed. Seeing as Hawkeye and the Black Widow didn't have much to use against Cody, considering his enormous size, strength, speed, and durability, they decided it would be best for them to join Loki to search the surrounding area for you. So with Captain America and the Hulk taking the God of Mischief's place, having the situation well in hand Loki and the others wasted no time heading off to find you, with none more determined than he.  

Although Hulk seemed to be more than a match for Cody's strength, his speed was the real problem, and his deadly claws were a wildcard, being able to break through both Thor and the Hulk's thick skin. And on top of that, if Cody being an uncontrollable Hulk-beast with deadly claws wasn't enough, Iron Man picked up on how unstable Cody was becoming, not that he was all good before, but he was getting much worse. Not only that, as Cody destabilized, he was getting stronger and the Gamma radiation was building up inside of him, it was only a matter of time until he reached the point of no return. They had to figure out a way to stop it, burn through that energy, tire Cody out before he reached that point but there was no end in sight, his endurance was truly unreal. No matter how hard they hit Cody or how many times they struck him with lightning or any other form of energy attack, he wouldn't go down, or at least not for long as he'd be back up within seconds seemingly stronger and even a little bigger each time. 

You arrived with Pharaoh, quickly covering your ears and squinting your eyes shut as Thor's lightning blasts were very bright and between everyone yelling and punching Cody, it was way too loud for you. Not that you had the luxury to just wait on the sidelines, not that you would when someone needed help, the one in question being Captain America, you didn't hesitate to run out to his side. Cody knocked the Shield from his hands and clawed him across his one arm and a bit of his torso, sending him flying and in horrible condition, but you were by his side as quickly as your feet would carry you. Pharaoh tried to follow but you told him to wait off to the side, as this was all too dangerous for him, before telling him that you would call for his aid if you required it, feeling kind of bad because you knew he only wanted to help. You wasted no time healing up Steve, giving the soldier a quick hug as he got up, and you told him you were so happy to see him, all of them, but your expression changed into a sombre one as you looked around, you didn't see Loki anywhere. 

Not that you had time to worry about that though, as a certain Hulked-out monster spotted you, and you swear that Cody even called your name, although it was hard to tell as it sounded more like gibberish than anything else. Cody then knocked back Iron Man, Thor and the Hulk and began running towards you, even like this, he still recognized you, which made you feel both sad and alarmed, but more alarmed considering he was tossing Avengers around like ragdolls. Captain America was quick to defend you, but you jumped in front of him, blasting Cody in the face with a beam of light, temporarily blinding him, the same way you did to the Juggernaut. You then tackled Steve to the ground, with both of you barely dodging Cody's slash attack, it was so scary as being cut up by his claws was not an experience you wanted to repeat. Luckily with his blindness though, the other Avengers were able to land blow after blow without Cody not being capable of dodging but he still wouldn't go down and soon his sight returned. 

"Let me help, I can help," you pleaded with Steve, but the Captain wouldn't hear of it, telling you no again, "no, it's not a request kid, its an order", while escorting you quickly back over to the trees so that you'd be out of the line of sight from Cody. Besides that, they came to save you, not to mention you were the healer, if the others got hurt you would have to use your abilities to save them but you wouldn't be able to if you overtaxed your powers yourself. You weren't sure what to do, on the one hand, you were desperate to rush in and help but at the same time you didn't want to go up against Cody, despite what you said and everything that happened, deep down inside you still thought of him as your friend. But you stayed put, leaning up against Pharaoh, wrapping your arms around him watching as Captain America rejoined the fight, contacting the others over the comms to inform them that you had been found and to return to the battle as they needed all the assistance they could get. It was hard to watch, and although you did turn away a few times, hiding your face by pressing it up against Pharaoh's fur in the end, you'd look back, more than anything, you wanted to see when Loki would arrive.  

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